I was teasing, Mike. While I don't approve of so much negativity for real, I do recognize your raw talent and would encourage you to keep it up.
thank you all for your post and i will get more songs on here as soon as i write some new ones and post them...well...thnx alot
hey Infected, have you ever heard of The Cure?
Certainly not one of my favorites, but I thought you might be interested.
No i havent heard of THE CURE
The Cure
Sorry to interrupt, I'm new here.
The Cure is a pretty excellent band. Usually associated with Goth Rock for some reason, but I think the association has to do more with the lead singer's tendancy toward black eyeliner than the 'gothiness' of the music.
Most of the time when I'm finished listening to one of their songs, I'm left with a smile and not a little giddy.
Love Cats anyone?
I was a huge Cure fan in high school, and even invested in a crimping iron and cheap hairspray to emulate Robert Smith's look. 'Pornography' is probably the darkest, angriest albums they made.
The Cure
A hand in my mouth
A life spills into the flowers
We all look so perfect
As we all fall down
In an electric glare
The old man cracks with age
She found his last picture
In the ashes of the fire
An image of the queen
Echoes round the sweating bed
Sour yellow sounds inside my head
In books
And films
And in life
And in heaven
The sound of slaughter
As your body turns
But it's too late
But it's too late
One more day like today and I'll kill you
A desire for flesh
And real blood
I'll watch you drown in the shower
Pushing my life through your open eyes
I must fight this sickness
Find a cure
I must fight this sickness