Fri 30 Apr, 2004 11:09 am
My wonderful tabby Aidan has feline asthma, which necessitates his having a shot every 3 - 4 weeks. I know it's coming on when I see him hunched over, coughing with great difficulty. Plus I can hear the phlegm when he coughs-- or tries to. Does anyone know anything about this? I hate to have him keep getting shots but if that's the only thing that can be done, I'll have to keep doing it.
Thank you
ailsa the little kitty for me.
I haven't a clue of what to do though...sorry.
I don't know either ailsagirl ... the only thing I can suggest is go to Google and type in feline asthma or something like that, post the question and you will get some answers.
Good luck!
Hi Misti,
Yes, that's probably a good place to start. He's such a dear-- I hate to see him suffering.
Animals are truly special beings.