Thu 26 Dec, 2002 07:52 am
During your frustration with Abuzz and before you began spending more time with A2K, you tried other sites. What were they? Comments? Links?
Raven's Realm
Do you mean to say there were other intermediaries before A2K? c.i.
I started with
AskMe , when it became a possession of horny teenagers and trolls I switched to
Abuzz , but this site was also spoiled by people preferring personal attacks to argumented discussions. Now I am
By the way, what is the Raven's Realm some of the members mention here from time to time all about? Is the word "Raven" in this context a name of the bird or a surname of some site proprietor?
The Raven's Realm is another site run by Craven. It's through MSN.
This link will take you straight to the photo albums:
You'll need to register, but it's free.
Feel free to look it over, steissd. It was also started by Craven. It was a good site with a membership similar to a2k, but never seemed to generate the same level of activity. Actually, an MSN community wouldn't have been able to handle this much activity, and there was not much a manager could do to enhance it.
Raven's Realm
Though almost entirely defunct now, it still has art and photo galleries, which serve as an intermediate route to posting on a2k, as a2k doesn't support images direct from hard disk. You can still find a number of member photos and their pets there, if you are interested.
Laughing my guts out
Well I just found this site - it you click it, you'll know why I', laughing so hard
steissd, Craven is a big fan of Edgar Allen Poe. Couldn't you tell?
Hmm, I did not have thoughts in this direction. In fact, I am not personally acquainted with Mr. de Kere.
A lot of people here became acquainted with one another, or others in general, to a degree, from a while ago on ABUZZ. By about last summer, ABZ took a downturn and many people drifted over to a MSN Group site that Craven hosted, called "The Raven's Realm," and a few others created by other individuals. Not everyone participated and/or even joined in any groups, just that, most people were aware of them as alternative meeting places to ABZ, inorder to mingle with the same, very general, group of familiar users from ABZ elsewhere.
Or, left ABZ altogether, joined no alternative groups, and drifted off into other sites for a while (which is what I did). But, most people were acquainted from ABZ from about two years or more ago, for the most part, and recognize others even after a delay of minglin' and mixin'.
Not that many people are personally familiar with others, just that most are generally acquainted from a few years or more of reading various thoughts and news and more from others, and sharing information, generally.
Hums, Don't forget the light-hearted banter we also shared on ABZ.
Yeah, Nice While It Lasted
Yeah, C.I., it was nice while it lasted. I have fond memories of many hours of slumming, laughing at my computer.
I was sad to see it come to an end, but an end it did. Something just went badly negative there, and the silliness became a subject of ridicule by some.
This is nice, though. It's nice to see so many of the lighterhearted being again, lighthearted, here.
Yeah, you can say 'that' again, and again..... c.i.
Hum (or may I call you genteel?):
I INSIST that you keep plugging B L O G N Y here and elsewhere.
That is absolute quality you're posting there, bub.
I just wish I had thought of that name... :wink:
The name does have its charm, doesn't it?
Who's Gonna Ask About My Signature?
I've been wondering who's going to ask -- if anyone -- about my signature line here, though.
It's an Italian expression used for purposes of toasting (like, over wine, dinner, before a kiss, whatever), and, when I tried, out of curiosity, to use Google's Language Tools for to translate it into English, Google provided a ridiculously tortured mistranslation of the expression in English.
So, unless you speak Italian, perhaps you're wondering?
If not, then, neverrrr mind.
Call Me "Hums"...
Call me "Hums," because that's what most people do on the Internet, what with the User I.D.
Works for me.