Setanta wrote:
It's a complete waste to time to respond to the Foofie/Miller sock puppet. That nasty bigot is just trying to get a rise out of people.
Am I now? I was just giving my opinion, which doesn't coincide with yours. But, you should not have responded, since by responding with the sock puppet canard, and the "nasty bigot," "just trying to get a rise out of people," shows you are willing to make accusations that only a mind-reader would be making.
I don't want to "get a rise out of people." I would like other posters to understand that the recipient of prejudice (i.e., the Jewish person that married into your family) might have had a similar reaction from the Jewish side of the family. In other words, it is just not "bigots" that shun inter-marriage, but those that believe that marriage is more than just between one man and one woman, a la the conservative position. There are people that just believe that marriage is between one Jew and another Jew, or one Catholic and another Catholic. Or one Protestant and another Protestant.
This is not necessarily bigotry. It is in the eyes of many just maintaining one's family tree for cultural social class. Let's be honest, if Jews started intermarrying with Gentiles en masse, how many decades before there would be no Jews? Now wouldn't some people think that that would be peachy, since the children of Jewish-Gentile intermarriages usually marry Gentiles? So, if one does not think the world needs Jews in any way (perhaps to buy an eggcream in a bygone era), then hell with ethnicity, let's just do through intercourse what Hitler could not do with bullets and gas. Just another perspective from yours, once again. But it is honest. Too honest perhaps for the sterile Gentile culture of hinterland America.
P.S.: More than once I've thought that after WWII, if Christians really had remorse for the Holocaust, some clerical person would just put a moratorium on marrying Jews, since like the situation when some type of fish is near extinction in a lake, the game warden says that fish cannot be caught for the time being. I say that since estimates, of how many Jews would be in the world today, if there had been no Holocaust is 32 million. Well, today there are 14 million. Before WWII there was 18 million. After the Holocaust most were lost through a secular lifestyle and inter-marriage.
And, notice how many different ethnicities of Catholics intermarry today. So, the children continue marrying Catholics, often enough, so the world population of Catholics remains steady. That is because Catholicism is a religion. So is Judaism; however, too many Jews today marry out, and that wouldn't happen if Gentiles just had a moratorium on marrying Jews. Not a legal moratorium; an ETHICAL MORATORIUM. But, that would have been done just after WWII. Today it is too late. But, by the fact that it wasn't done, makes be feel that every Jewish-Gentile marriage after WWII makes some dead Nazis laugh in their graves, since it spells the end of Jews, outside of Israel. Now you might understand why Jews are so intractable about Israel. It has nothing to do with physical danger; it has to do with the danger of inter-marriage. A slow, but insidious, final solution of sorts, in the opinion of some (not yours of course, since my opinion could be called "bigoted.")