Wed 21 Apr, 2004 04:05 pm
This is an odd one: My cat is 7, and recently I noticed the following: to the left of his tailbone (or end of his spine), about 2 inches in from the base of his tail on the left side of his hind quarters, there is an irregular "throbbing" or "pulsing." I notice it when I hold him, and when he sits with me. Sometimes, it pulses 1 time, sometimes 3 or 4. It's pretty constant, occurring every 10 to 30 seconds. There is no pain or swelling, and he does not even notice that it is happening. Have you EVER hear of this???
He's probably swallowing mice whole.
I suppose I should offer an explanation for my "Manitou" theory.
Read the plot outline
I sincerely believe this is what is happening to your cat.
Goodness - I have never heard of that one!
Worth checking with your vet?