Who here still subscribes to a physical newspaper?

Mon 27 Jan, 2014 10:58 am
I didn't know they had one. Unlikely that would ever show up here in New Mexico, but good that you can get it. As a u.s. person who still - after all this time - doesn't know all sorts of things about England, I enjoy the comments sections on some of the articles, keep learning a lot, sometimes as much or more than from the articles.
Mon 27 Jan, 2014 03:08 pm
Only two or three pages are dedicated to British news the rest is global. Ostensibly it's aimed at expats, especially ELTs, but a lot of furriners like it. Includes articles from the Washington Post and Le Monde too.

Because Australia's newspapers are almost totally Murdoch-owned the guardian proved so popular they lunched a local version last year. But I stick to the weekly. Sorry trees.
Wed 29 Jan, 2014 05:16 pm
I still read the local daily newspaper. I like the local news and I like the sports write ups that my son and lots of his friends are in. I could get it online but links to online articles just don't cut it in a scrapbook.
Not to mention my husband works for the local paper. I like it when his job is supported also. Sadly, paper newspapers are becoming a thing of the past. I think as the current newspaper reading generation fades away so will the paper. Younger generations love electronics and instant gratification. They wont know the satisfaction of waiting for the paper to arrive or going to the store to get one and then enjoying a leisurely read with a cup of coffee.
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