Who here still subscribes to a physical newspaper?

Wed 22 Jan, 2014 07:48 pm
I've subscribed to newspapers for all of my adult life but I nearly cancelled my subscription today. Our paper has gone down to four days a week and now its switching to a smaller format.

The do have an online daily paper for subscribers but I've had so many problems with their website. I called them today to cancel it but we talked about the problems I had with their website (like it didn't recognize my email, my account number, my address or my name so I couldn't access it at all). They ended up discounting my rate and fixing the weirdness associated with my account so, for now, I'm still a subscriber.

Is anyone else still a subscriber?
Wed 22 Jan, 2014 07:51 pm
Nope. We just buy a Sunday edition, about once a month, for coupons.
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Lustig Andrei
Wed 22 Jan, 2014 07:52 pm
I haven't actually had a subscription in a number of years now but I still pick up the local paper at a news-stand every morning. Force of habit. It has very little to do with actually getting the news. Even local news is faster to get online. But there's something to having a folded newspaper in your hand as you sip the second or third cup of coffee, doing the crossword puzzle with a pen or pencil rather than a keyboard, little things like that which have become an addictive habit.
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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 07:54 pm
No. Wally buys one off the newstand once in a while for the crossword puzzle. Once in a while I'll look at it before tossing it in the recycle.
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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 08:01 pm
I used to ( for about two decades) spend several hours with the Sunday NYT's. I kicked the habit somewhere around 2002, when ever it was that they cut the width of the paper again. Since then I sometimes look at the USA Today when I get one free at hotels, AMtrak, and the oil change place.

My opinion of current paper copy newspapers is that they are a joke, it is time for them to finally die. I do however still regularly look at alt newspapers.
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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 08:14 pm
The last time I subscribed to a newspaper was in 2000 when I lived in Framingham, MA. I had a subscription to the NY Times.

I've been living in NYC for the past 12 years and no subscription. Then again, when I was living in Massachusetts at the time, I had my highest income level with two jobs.

I'm content with getting my news online and from NPR (I got that monthly donor/thingy going on). It's rare that I get a newspaper from a newsstand. I'm more likely to pick up a free copy of the Village Voice.
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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 08:31 pm
I'm addicted to the newspaper. I get the Washington Post, and the exceedingly pathetic local rag "the Capital", dropped the Baltimore Sun because they closed all the overseas reporting. Have to pick up The New York Times and Wall Street Journal because I can't get delivery here. I'm a dinosaur. I don't own a kindle and pray no one ever buys me one.
Lustig Andrei
Wed 22 Jan, 2014 08:36 pm
Meet you down the ravine, glitter. I'm that green creature with the long neck. I'll be chawin' on eucalyptus leaves. (Second your prayer that nobody gets me a kindle or some similar device for a present.)
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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 09:00 pm
We are still subscribed to the daily and Sunday paper, mostly for the crosswords, coupons and grocery ads. BBB is no longer able to use her computer, but still likes to try doing the daily crosswords and other word puzzles to keep exercising her brain as much as she can.

I enjoy the gardening, cooking and home improvement columns. There isn't much news in the paper, mostly advertising. When there is no longer a need for the paper for BBB, I'll be canceling it.

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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 09:34 pm
This is trying.

I have learned so much from articles in the New York Times on thousands of subjects.

It kills me to see the paper diminished.

It kills me to subscribe - I have my own problems.

I get that newpapers are going but I also posit they will come back. Maybe sooner than later.
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Wed 22 Jan, 2014 09:55 pm
I have never subscribed to a newspaper. For myself there was always something a little more personal and enjoyable to going out to buy it on my own. A few seconds of outdoors air, a second or two interacting with the vendor and occasionally the purchase of some item such as a lighter, pack of cigarettes, a magazine, a roll of Lifesavers.

That aside to apart, haven't bought a paper in some time now. When the price became obscene for what was mainly advertisements it seemed to me to be a waste of money and trees.

Well, it was usually a waste of trees which made the Rutland Exchange more environmentally friendly and people friendly too. A group of us would share 2 newspapers among a few dozen people. (I also have a history of grabbing newspapers from the trash can when someone tosses them in as they exit a train or bus. I despise the senseless death of trees and am thrilled that the Internet prevents some of that slaughtering.

Okay, I'll get off the soapbox now, 'sides which, the height was making me woozy)
Thu 23 Jan, 2014 12:17 am
I am a newpaper liker, mostly.

Last time I saw a physical L A times, it was was at my brother in laws' house, around 2009. Nothing interesting that day.

I don't mean I need to be clocked about murders, I'd rather see pro and cons.
Thu 23 Jan, 2014 12:28 am
Frankly, I can't see why the newspaper industry can't change over to a synthetic material instead of using paper like they did with switching from plastic to corn starch on supermarket sacks and trash bags. Defies logic...especially when the subscriptions are disappearing in droves.

I've not had a single newspaper in any of my place in 5-6 years - maybe longer.
I've read my news online or on cable TV. When I want the physical or NY Sunday Times (or NYT Book Review), I read it in the library early the next week.
Thu 23 Jan, 2014 01:16 am
Yeh, but you have a computer.
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Thu 23 Jan, 2014 01:28 am

magazines are hemorrhaging along with the newspapers, jsyk....down about 1/3 since the great recession started, and in inflation adjusted dollars the total is even worse.
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Walter Hinteler
Thu 23 Jan, 2014 02:01 am
I'm on subscription for our local paper since ... well. since I left home.

When we are away, I cancel the print edition and just use the online version - which actually is exactly the same.

I used to be on subscription of a national paper. Cancelled that years ago, because it only was delivered by the postman and thus arrived to late.
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Thu 23 Jan, 2014 02:26 am
I subscribe to the local paper and read /look at the national and international online.
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Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:33 am
We still get both the NY Times and the Boston Globe in dead tree format, every day. Part of this is because there's only the one laptop (and no tablet PC), so reading, erm, away from a desk can't happen. Plus we both prefer doing the puzzles by hand. If the puzzles and sudoku get an even better online treatment (they're good, but I just like writing, I dunno), and we get a second portable 'puter, we'll likely drop everything but the Sunday Globe, and that would only be for the coupons.
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Tai Chi
Thu 23 Jan, 2014 04:35 pm
I subscribe to the two local weeklies otherwise I would not be up on all the news. Only one of them is on-line. And I don't yet have the internet.
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Thu 23 Jan, 2014 04:48 pm
Yes I do - the Sunday Globe - and the little local paper which is a weekly. The little local paper is fun because it has stuff all about our town and the kids sports. My daughter had a huge write up and a big picture a little over a year ago - it was during the lul between winter and spring sports so her story was able to hit big time.
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