Tue 14 Jan, 2014 03:49 am
hi everyone,
I have come here on a quest for knowledge as something startling has recently happened to me. Being a not so superstituous person, the incident that occured is one that i cannot ignore. Last night, at about 10pm, I heard a bird (later found out to be black) cawing for about 10-15 seconds, outside my room, in a loud voice continously, which clearly signaled distress/pain. This was out of the ordinary as this hasn't before happened. My room is right nex to our backyard, and this kind of thing seldom happens especially at night. This morning, I awoke to find the bird dead outside my brother's room. It was black, and lying stomach up, perfectly pointing towards my brother's room, but its head was tilted towards the right, towards my room. I looked up cawing crows, but i am unsure if this was a crow, but i know for sure it was a black bird. I buried it today in a shallow grave. I tried to look this up but only came across cawing crows as bad omens for danger or death, but not only did this bird caw at night, but it was found dead, and i know this must have some significant factor. Does anyone know anything about omens, superstitiutons, or the signifiance or meaning of this unlikely event, that has left me puzzled and quite unsure of how to go about my life.
I am a new member so i apologize if this is in the wrong section, but please feel free to move this thread if it is indeed in the wrong area.
Thanks for your time everyone.
Crows call by cawing; it doesn't indicate distress or pain necessarily. And they mainly all look alike. Unless the animal was banded, you have no way to know whether this was even the same bird you heard overnight.
More likely, it was just a murder of crows (yes, that's what a group of them are called) and one of them died. If I were you, I'd go to my doctor to make sure I didn't get exposed to bird flu or salmonella or something else for touching a dead wild bird.
It's a dead bird, nothing more. Go back to being a "not so superstitious person".
Maybe the bird went around from house to house cawing so loudly that someone got pissed this bird was waking him up so he shot him or hit him with a rock and killed him.
More likely than your fantasy.
I'm trying to understand what the problem (question) here is.
A bird caws at night, appearing to be in some distress. A dead bird is found in the yard the next morning. What part of a simple scenario is mysterious here? I don't get it. The bird was sick and died; the bird was killed by a cat who decided not to take his kill with him; the bird was shot by a neighbor as has already been suggested. I can think of a dozen explanations and not a single supernatural one comes to mind.
Again, I don't get it.
Crows, ravens and magpies all caw. All dogs bark, all cats meow. At least in english.. lol
They all die too. It's not supernatural it's life or lack of it and it's totally natural.
The idea that one species is bad luck is just stupid.