Mon 23 Dec, 2002 08:07 pm
i was just walking thru the living room on my way to the kitchen for a cuppa tea and the teevee was on (the parrots like to listen) and it was the Bill O'Really (news) show. now i realize its a slow news day with N.Korea going nuclear, the catholic church claiming separation of church and state regarding immunity for abuse claims, war looming in Iraq, but the hot topic on O'Realy was that some lesbians were seen kissing YES i said kissing at a NBA basket-ball game. Perhaps i am naive but can this be considered prime time newsworthy?
Nah, it can't. When there is no news, they make it up!
Well gosh, Dyslexia, they must have run out of news that takes real journalistic skill like fires and robberies!
Wot? People actually watch FOX News? Well I'll be danged...
mea culpa i mention FOX and news in the same sentence!
Oh..... sorry..... I have never seen Fox news, sounds like I have not missed much. Do they show foxes kissing, at all?
The catholic church is claiming separation of church and state regarding immunity from abuse claims? Do you have a cite for that? - I mean I believe you, it makes sense in a legalistic sort of way - perhaps even a theological discourse sort of a way - but I would like to read about it...
I will find one myself if it is any bother to you.
Was it a lesbian basketball team?
dlowan: fox news is a Rupert Murdoch presentation, i am sure that will help to clarify for those from OZ
dlowan: sorry i missed you question re catholic church, yes today they asked the court to exclude current charges as a violation of separation of church and state although its my understanding that this was done at the request of their insurers to clarify liability issues. i will find a link for you on the marrow as it is my bed time.
I saw the piece ... a feature on lesbians cavilling for specific recognition as such. "News" such as this is really "Good" ... it takes one's mind from more pressing matters, and the mere fact "Fluff" is being broadcast means things aren't all that bad. What I find truly worisome is to go from channel to channel to be confronted with views differing only in camera perspective of some unfolding event. That is rarely "Good" news.
Bill O'Reilly can be quite entertaining at times!
dlowan: heres the link to the story on the separation of church and state issue regarding abuse cases: