Mon 23 Dec, 2002 07:20 pm
check this out: interesting and fun:
"wanna go to mars?" Not a chance, but your virtual site is neat. But, where are all the puzzles? I seem to be able to go everywhere without any challenges or people/objects trying to kill me.
billw: so sorry about that but if you want guns and puzzles try congress-white house. that too seems to be a virtual reality gone amok.
Main Entry: 1amok
Pronunciation: &-'m&k, -'mäk
Function: noun
Etymology: Malay amok
Date: 1665
: a murderous frenzy that occurs chiefly among Malays
and unPresidents too! Make love not war!
make babies not bullets (but lets not over-populate!!)
But, we can send them to Mars.
BTW, Bush has been slashing NASA budgets. The Japanese, Russians and French look like the next generation of space travelers. Bush plans on staying at war till at least 2025. His plan is to suspend elections because we are at war and be declared devine ruler!
Hey - yes, I wanna go to Mars - but I like to shower more than three times a week!
Those bunks look awful close together, too.....
It would be soooo fascinating to make that journey - but, I imagine that, by the end of 18 months, one would have cabin fever like nothing one could imagine. 'Tis bad enough after wintering in the Antarctic, and that is but 12 - one of my friends has twice been a squadron leader for a base down there, and she says the dynamics get very interesting indeed...
Still, to live on and explore a new planet!
Thank you for the site, Dyslexia - you are a being of diverse interests...
Interesting link, and lots of nice graphics/maps etc.
The kitchen alone has me Earthbound but, someone might deal with it.
How 'bout the $1.95 special
You'll be sterile when you get there. Might make the whole 'lets populate Mars as a colony' idea defunct.
Quote:A manned space mission to Mars should only include men aged over 60 in view of irreversible sterility that will afflict crew members on the flight, veteran Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov said in Moscow yesterday.
Prolonged exposure to radiation, calcium deficit and muscular atrophy caused by weightlessness would make it "irrational and cruel" to send younger men, the qualified doctor said at a conference on the medical effects of long term space flight.
"A person will completely lose reproductive capacity on the journey to Mars and back," said Polyakov, who holds the world record for the longest space flight, having orbited the Earth for 438 days in 1994/1995.
BillW wrote:But, we can send them to Mars.
BTW, Bush has been slashing NASA budgets. The Japanese, Russians and French look like the next generation of space travelers. Bush plans on staying at war till at least 2025. His plan is to suspend elections because we are at war and be declared devine ruler!
Wrong. Bush has
increased NASA's budget and also directed them to begin planning missions to the Moon and Mars. Concerning the budget: