Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2004 05:18 pm

I need help finding out, very specifically, how much everything costs in Norway for day-to-day living budgeting and planning. I am moving there soon and am having a difficult time getting prices being in California. Please help. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kristofer Eirik Midtlyng

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Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2004 07:58 pm
E-mail address
Hi, Viking - Welcome to A2K.

I don't have any info about Norway, but I see your email address in your posting. That's a "no-no" on A2K and as soon as one of the monitors sees it, it will be deleted. You have to put it in you profile. So, edit your post and your profile. Say, "Check my profile for my email address" or maybe it comes up at the bottom of your post here? I know our "www's" do. Good wishes! :-)
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lab rat
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2004 06:56 am
Try google searching "Norway cost-of-living"--you'll get links to several pages that offer cost of living guides (not all free, but it may be a worthwhile investment to buy a booklet).
For example, see
(scroll toward the bottom of the page for a listing of typical prices for film, beverages, etc.)
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lab rat
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2004 07:00 am
Found on one of the webpages:

Selected Location:Oslo, Norway
Student Cost of Living for Consumables as a percentage of the U.S. National Norm: 189%

Consumables include convenience food items combined with weighted pricing patterns found in grocery and drug stores. So, for example, if your weekly grocery bill in the U.S. is $100, expect to pay $189 in Norway.
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Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2004 03:05 pm
Added Comment
Viking - The reason given by the A2K Monitors at other times for not putting our email address on the posts: They are then readily available to Spammers. Only Members of A2K can access our profiles. :-)
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 9 May, 2004 11:18 pm
I spent time in Norway a ways back. It is expensive compared to the US, especially for food. And don't even think about drinking there! The locals get by because the tax is 'returned' to them as benefits, etc

Make sure that your job-package has that component that you no longer pay tax on your income as you aren't home (worked fine for my cousin). Otherwise, save those receipts.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sun 9 May, 2004 11:27 pm
OSLO, Norway (AP) - Nothing in the Norwegian capital is free - even a trip to a public toilet costs the equivalent of $1.85 Cdn.

No surprise, then, that a new survey gives Oslo the dubious distinction of being the world's most expensive city.

.. Meanwhile, the Norwegian kroner has appreciated - and many people in Oslo feel the effects.

A three-minute bus ride costs the equivalent of $3.70 when buying tickets in advance - but $5.55 to hop on at the last minute. The price of gasoline is $1.80 a litre. A no-frills hamburger averages $8.33. The kebab, usually a little cheaper, has become the fast food of choice for many.

A pint of domestic beer at a downtown bar can cost $9.63. Expensive, but worth it, to some.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 10 May, 2004 12:53 am
Some links:

Norway - official website

Visit Oslo

Norway Portal
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Reply Mon 10 May, 2004 02:42 pm
All I remember of Norway was that it was spectacularly beautiful, and spectacularly expensive!

I may get back there one day! (when I'm rich enough to afford a meal there!)
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Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2004 11:06 am
Allright. I'm norwegian. If there's anything you'd like to know, just ask. All the foreigners I know that've visited Norway find Norway really expensive. And it is. But it's beautiful, and it's worth all of the money.
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2004 04:09 am
They have the fjord market sewn up, that's for sure.

And, in Summer, if you wake up in daylight and and the clock says '3.15am' - it really IS 3.15 in the morning!! Don't steal any paintings!!!
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Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2004 04:42 am
It is a common misconception that Norway has what is called "Midnight Sun" during summer. In fact, it is only the very northern parts of Norway that has this. Where I live, during the brightest days of summer, the sun sets about 2 in the morning and rises at 4... Further down south, they don't even come close to this.

I spent a year, doing my military service up north, and I found the midnight sun very unsettling, and I had trouble sleeping. Razz

Regarding costs in Norway, yes, it is a very expensive country to live in. But, of coure, salaries reflect this, and living here is a very comfortable excistance indeed. I guess it's hardest on the tourists. Anyway, if you have any questions at all about Norway, feel free to PM me, and I shall answer to the best of my ablility.

And to my compatriot, Hege: Halla! Fint å se en annen nordmann her Laughing
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Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2004 09:55 am
Hei Eamon! Første nordmann jeg har sett her inne. Very Happy
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