Tue 17 Dec, 2013 06:57 pm
They’re Releasing Another Dragon Tattoo Book
And it's not the unpublished Stieg Larsson book. So? What say you? Is this a relief? Or a blasphemy?
you are my primary source of knowledge about anything motion picture related, or pop culture. I admit to having no knowledge about Dragon Tattoos. I thought this was about some new "Dragon for Dummies" book related to the voice recognition program , which I installed on my computer,AND, often, when my posts are totally free of typos, it was because I dictated the post, and then pasted it up on as "My Post"
carry on
Pretty much what farmerman said. All this stuff is way beyond my frame of reference.
I just wish the author's widow would release the fourth book that was actually written by Stieg Larsson himself. I guess we will have to wait to see if this new author has what it takes to write like the original author.
Tzar, if you care this much read about his life. He wasn't married. Once married, his address would have been public knowledge. A quaint Swedish law that would have put he and his 'wife' in jeopardy, because of all his work reporting on the mob and human trafficking. And, the 4th book, as well as the first three, are though not to be his work alone, but collaboratively with the girlfriend, who ironically gets nothing because they weren't married.
If this book is any good, great. That means his bloodsucking family won't get another dime from the proceeds.
Are you referring to the published biography,
There Are Things I Want You to Know" about Stieg Larsson and Me? I'll get a copy of it from the library then.
Ticomaya wrote:
maporsche wrote:I like it!!
A maporsche sighting!
I know. A rare honor indeed....
farmerman wrote:A Tico sighting!!
While a Tico sighting is great and wonderful, a maporsche sighting is decidedly more rare!
As far as the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, FM, I watched the trilogy on Netflix and enjoyed it very much. I don't know that I would consider a new episode by a different author to be "blasphemy," but would consider it more like the 007 movies: Ian Fleming didn't write them all, but they're still enjoyable and entertaining. So it should be judged on its merits.
Interesting stuff ceili.
maporsche sighting. How rare.
Larsen's premise was just about enough for one book, the first.
Watching the Hollywood and Swedish versions of Dragon back-to-back is a real treat.
That is all.
What's great about Larsson's trilogy is the heavy handed and highly critical politics laced throughout the books. What I would consider blasphemy is if the new author tones down the Bloomquist character and turns him into a dull Jason Bourne (never read the books but I'm not too enamored by the movie adaptation of that character. Fine movies but the franchise isn't deserving of the megahype). Bloomquist isn't really an action hero in the books. I dreadfully can see a possible future where a new author would take that dreaded predictable turn.
panzade wrote:
Larsen's premise was just about enough for one book, the first.
I beg to differ. The characters (Bloomquist and Salander) adapt and evolve very well in the next two books.
Quote:Watching the Hollywood and Swedish versions of Dragon back-to-back is a real treat.
No. Not really. The American version is watchable but merely okay while the Swedish version is a complete meh (at least the first movie/didn't watch the latter two adaptations).
agree to disagree...
a function of our relationship on a2k.
tsarstepan wrote: The American version is watchable but merely okay while the Swedish version is a complete meh (at least the first movie/didn't watch the latter two adaptations).
I've only seen the Swedish version. I thought it was good.
One man's good is another man's meh.
Haha; I hope to become less and less rare moving forward.
Sounds good, BB.
Who are you rooting for on Sunday: Cards or Hawks?
Gotta be the Hawks just because the Rams in week 17 worry me. They always play us tough.
Should AZ win though, a nice silver lining would be the possibility of you taking out the 49ers for the wild card slot.
Would be nice if AZ would just win out. But the Hawks are looking good. Wilson is a beast.