Loewen has been under investigation by the Wichita Joint Terrorism Task Force since early summer 2013. It is alleged that in the past he has made statements that he was resolved to commit an act of violent jihad against the United States.
Let's see violent jihad is not associated with a religion now? How stupid is that? The fact is Islam inspires these people. And the fact is jihad and martyrdom is the ultimate misguided and evil piety with no equal.
This is preached today as it was 1400 years ago. It is an uncomfortable fact.
Bukhari:V4B52N44 "A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, 'Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad in reward.' He replied, 'I do not find such a deed.'"
This religion is designed to churn out killers that emulate Mohammed. And it is very deadly and serious business. And cannot be answered simply with claims of bigotry and hatred for those who aware of the truth in the matter.
There is no shame in being aware or taking steps to alert other people who believe lip service and disregard deadly facts of their grave(get it?)error.
Muslim:C40B20N4676 "Jihad Is Compulsory."
But this will most likely bring on a flood of sympathy for Muslims who suffer by association. It is time to ask these Muslims why they choose to associate themselves with that. In fact it is past time and we should demand results.
Loewen, who is white, became radicalized after reading extremist Islamic material on the Internet, Grissom said.
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/ Islam is Islam. And the has been viral and there are a proliferation of their "hate sites" which far, far out number the sites that oppose Islam and tell the truth about it.
Although the terrorists websites tell the truth also. They represent fundamental Islam, and that is extreme.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Dec, 2013 03:58 pm
there never was a bomb.
just a sick dude and a lot of tricky dick FBI people...
just a sick dude and a lot of tricky dick FBI people...
There was in Boston, stupid. The point is there could have been. And also that Islam and Muslims are connected. Like it or not. "sick dude" People that believe in an Islamic obligation are sick? No they are Muslims.
I'm not the genius that wrote "bombing in Kansas", waterboy...
0 Replies
Fri 13 Dec, 2013 04:06 pm
Clueless, Untrue Title, Stringer, Sexual Inferiority, Borg
The tags don't change the facts, do they?
Islamic doctrine has inspired another killer. All your trolling will never change what scares your pathetic emasculated ass so badly. Besides the fact that I whipped your ass on the previous forum. You lost there and you will lose here too.
And the fact you cannot find this forum:
Amkon Warning
Started by freedom fighter, 11/21/13 11:42 PM
We just saw that Islam is not a race. The man is white. And the only thing childish here is your deflection of the problem. I don't know whether it is because you are scared or just plain stupid. probably both.
next time you are in Kansas, I would be happy to show you what a real ass whipping looks like.
In your dreams. And when all you have to do is prove that Islam does not inspire death and destruction for non-Muslims. I have proven it has, and does.
But threats are more your style. That is what Islam does. Threaten and intimidate. Two peas in a pod. Right?
And you have proven you have nothing of any value whatsoever to say. Cya.
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Fri 13 Dec, 2013 05:13 pm
Pretty In Pink, Pinky Tuscadero,
Thanks for the tag, Fag. I mean JC.
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Fri 13 Dec, 2013 11:03 pm
According to a three-count complaint, Loewen discussed his view of faith as a Muslim. That included expressing "his desire to engage in violent jihad on behalf of al Qaeda" during an online conversation with someone whom, unbeknownst to him, was an FBI employee.
"I don't understand how you can read the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet (saw) and not understand that jihad and the implementation of Sharia is absolutely demanded of all the Muslim Ummah," Loewen allegedly wrote Aug. 5. "I feel so guilt-ridden sometimes for knowing what's required of me but yet doing little or nothing to make it happen. I love my Muslim brothers and sisters, whether they agree with me or not, it's just hard to deal with the denial that some of them appear to be going through."
Osama bin Laden and American-born al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki "are a great inspiration to me, but I must be willing to give up everything (like they did) to truly feel like a (sic) obedient slave of Allah (swt)," he wrote a few days later.
In a suicide letter that Loewen wrote for a family member, he wrote, according to the affidavit: ‘By the time you read this I will – if everything went as planned – have been martyred in the path of Allah.
He continued: ‘The operation was timed to cause maximum carnage + death.’
He closed the letter with the words: ‘I expect to be called a terrorist (which I am), a psychopath, and a homicidal maniac’
Homegrown Jihadi Caught in Bomb Plot; GOP-Hating Kid Is School Shooter
Remember in April 2009 how Obama’s Department of Homeland Security warned about the danger of “right-wing extremists”? If patriotic citizens are so dangerous, why is it that people who want to commit terrorism are typically devotees of the Religion of Peace™?
Interestingly enough, in recent years, American public schools have been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.
As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings and practices:
Learning to become a Muslim
Fasting for Ramadan
Learning about Ramadan, which is a special month of the year for over 1 billion Muslims throughout the world. It is a time for inner reflection, devotion to Allah, and self-control.
Learning the five pillars of Islam:1. Shahadah, profession of faith, is the first pillar of Islam. Muslims bear witness to the oneness of God by reciting the creed, “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” 2. Salah, prayer, is the second pillar. The world’s Muslims turn individually and collectively to Mecca, Islam’s holiest city, to offer five daily prayers at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and evening. 3. Zakat, almsgiving, is the third pillar. Social responsibility is considered part of one’s service to God; the obligatory act of zakat enshrines this duty. 4. Sawm, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, is the fourth pillar of Islam. 5. Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, is the fifth pillar and the most significant manifestation of Islamic faith and unity in the world. For those Muslims who are physically and financially able to make the journey, the Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime duty that is the peak of their religious life.
Memorizing verses of the Quran
Adopting a Muslim name
Staging a jihad (war against non-Muslims). Jihad, according to Merriam Webster, is the central doctrine that calls on believers to combat the enemies of their religion.
How did this happen? The American Civil Liberties Union, the American Muslim Council, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Clinton administration (much of what surrounds this current administration) joined together to create an environment that opened the door to Muslim teaching, while attacking anyone who speaks of the Christian religion in public schools.