Mon 9 Dec, 2013 08:27 am
Is it only me who notices and cavils at it or does Turkey today indeed openly got its long nose absolutely in all domestic affairs of its neighbors? Iraq, Armenia, Georgia, Syria, Greece... wherever you turn, behind every dirty and mean trick in region you'll definitely find an interest coming from nowhere but Turkey. Know what burning Syria makes me to think? Very soon Ankara will chop off the Northern Syria and all of my thoughts now are flying about where will Ankara turn its expansion then? Adjara? Balkans? By all possible means in Ankara they're gathering now ashes looking forward to revive the Ottoman Empire. Yes, get ready for the rise of Turkey in Balkans! Muslims will come soon and again will try to make milkers out of European people. Doubt someone somewhere in Greece wants to become an Arabian "rayah" again. I say, it is exactly a right time to think seriously about possible ways of resistance to the Turkish expansion. Doesn't mean who'll be our allies, will they be Kurds or Armenians, or will finally Brussels step in, the fact we are to stand for our lands before it's too late!
Calm down!
As anyone and everyone knows, it is all bluff and bluster. It always happens about this time of year.
Come Thursday next week, most of them will have been chopped, plucked, trussed and ready for the Christmas roast.
I love turkey, me.
Yes, asshole, it's only you . . .
Mmmmmm . . . turkey sammich . . .