parados wrote:Actually, it does mean they can change them without following their own rules since they can simply change the rules to say they can change the rules however they want.
I don't buy that. If the rules have a process for changing the rules, and if the rules are changed without following that process, then I'd argue that the rules have
not been actually been changed. And I would therefore argue that anything not done according to the "original unchanged rules" was legally invalid.
As soon as some corporation with the resources to pursue legal action is unhappy with something done by one of Obama's new nominees, it would be worthwhile for them to take this to court. It could well end up with the courts undoing every single thing that the Obama Administration does in the next few years.
It would be worth a shot at least. If the courts refuse to go along, then they refuse to go along. But the courts might actually object to the Democrats proclaiming that reality is whatever they say it is.
Aside from that, the Tea Party people should start thinking about which judges they would most like the Republicans to pack all the courts with once they take back the White House.