maxdancona wrote:I am a little surprised that you think "gun control" will be the issue that brings down the Democrats. That doesn't make sense.
What will bring down the Democrats is the fact that Obama is not going to achieve any legislation in his second term.
The relevance of gun control is the fact that all of the political capital that Obama might have used to achieve domestic legislation in his second term, was uselessly wasted in a futile attack against the NRA.
If, instead of wasting all that political capital attacking the NRA, Obama had pushed for something he could actually achieve (say immigration reform or major environmental legislation), right now he would have another major success under his belt, and he'd have momentum going forward from that success.
Instead, he is not going to achieve a single piece of legislation in his second term.
Come November 2016, the voters are going to be bored with having a president who hasn't achieved anything since early 2010, and they'll put a Republican in the White House.
maxdancona wrote:The vast majority of Americans don't consider gun control a very important issue. And, most people support stricter gun control laws anyway.
There are a relatively small group of people the are riled up against gun control. These are people who aren't going to vote for the Democrats anyway
This issue has no political significance (other than fundraising).
That isn't true. The NRA has the power to decide any election in a rural district, and that gives them the power to decide who controls the House of Representatives.
The NRA is not necessarily opposed to Democrats controlling the House, so long as those Democrats don't pursue gun control, but the NRA will crush any party that tries to violate the Second Amendment.