Tue 19 Nov, 2013 07:14 pm
mako sharks never develop cancer. it has been found that they produce a genetic signaling protein that facilitates cancerous cells to self destruct. it takes 100 sharks over a 6 month period to roduce enough of the protein to make one dose for a human. it costs many millions of dollars for a single dose. the drug has been approved for FDA phase I clinical trials. in an effort to control costs, a researcher has been approved to use a total of 20 doses. she needs to design an experiment to test the treatment effect. she is interested in the percent weight reduction of tumors in cancer patients who will recieve the treatment. you are asked to design an eperiment using a 5 step methodological approach. the FDA requires a significance level of alpha=0.01. please provide ONLY the following information: the first two steps of the traditional hypothesis testing method, include 1)hypotheses statement, 2) critical values, 3)claim statement, 4) equation to compute the test value, and BONUS: 5) a non technical explanation of why or why not your design will achieve the best results