Could you delete one of those duplicated posts...your voice is pleasingly mellifluous but a single chorus is sufficient.
You said:
Quote:We are well on our way towards concrete action to deal with Iraq.
That's an interesting use of 'concrete'. Rather like execution of a car thief is the only 'concrete' solution to the infraction.
You describe NK as being guilty of 'bullying behavior'....well, goodness, that same word comes up rather often from all points of the globe as regards America's behavior in the world. Perhaps another word might serve you better. That other regions of the world wish to gain strength and influence, even militarily, isn't merely because they are evil. It's because they aren't happy being relegated to lapdog status by a power who has often served them very poorly indeed.
You said:
Quote:Certainly the elimination of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq will not diminish our ability to deal with North Korea.
In a vacuum, that would be true. But as you know, if the perception becomes that the US is simply set on attacking/controlling Iraq regardless of the intent of UN resolutions, then the likelihood of the US at home and abroad becoming the target for many new Al Quada recruits grows much larger. Some will get through. Over a long period of time like a decade, the damage this could do to US interests and to a peaceful world might well be extreme.
You said:
Quote:I read the Oliphant piece very carefully. It is mere nitpicking and sophistry.
That is particularly revealing, george. There aren't many columnists more widely respected than Oliphant for cautious analysis. Could you perhaps name a columnist or commentator from the liberal side of the spectrum who doesn't fit your easy dismissal?