Mon 12 Apr, 2004 03:15 pm
IQ tests can give some information but are not the final answer in asssessment.
There are many tests available to the professional and the primary one would be the Wechsler Adult Inteligence Scale REV.III (WAIS-R.III). There is also a Wechsler for Children (WISC-R.III)
There is another test in use: Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale as well as others measuring specific knowledge and potential.
The average mean of most IQ tests is 100.
The tests measure verbal and non verbal with reasoning potential and skill in various sub-tests.
There are also cross-cultural assessments, and congnitive testing for hearing impaired candidates.
A very short synopsis to tell you 130 is an excellent score.
That being said, IQ is the possibility of potential - what a person does with that possibility will be the true measurement of the individual. In other words, it is only another tool to use for learning and adaptation to this world of ours.
None of these tests quantify "wisdom".
Edit: Newbie error! I posted with a subject heading - when this post was meant to respond to those who took the offered IQ test on the forum.
There's another forum on A2K about IQ. You've pretty much said all there is say about IQ and testing. What's more important is the individual's humanity scale - IMHO. From my perspective, humanity wisdom scores higher than scholastic wisdom.
Cicerone - I responded to your post - but again opened a new topic because I was prompted to supply a "Subject".
I apologize as I have ended up again in the wrong place.
Time for a break and more learning on my part. Newbie-ism is hateful lol.
darby, No need to apologize. I've made more "newbie mistakes" than most. I receive comfort when I'm not the lonesome goofy on A2K.

Looking forward to seeing you more often in many forums. WELCOME to A2K.
Thanks cicerone - just saw your post from yesterday!
Company is indeed a comfort.
Brings me back to reality and my frailties. Good medicine - keeps the head from growing!
Have a lovely Tuesday!
I love to scroll thru forums eyeing the avatars.
After a eyeful I then try to absorb some knowledge from the text message.
Dang those smart blondes, they sure exercise my two remaining brain cells!