P, Q, Rectal..........the other thermometer
(personal experience...When my son was about 2 and a half, we were visiting my parents when I realized he looked a little unwell. I felt his hands and he was feverish, so I grabbed a thermometer, but since he was fully dressed I decided to check his temperature orally. I had never put a glass thermometer in his mouth so I was very clear "ok sweetheart, whatever you do, don't bite the thermometer" , "Do you understand, do not bite the thermometer". He nodded he understood, I placed the instrument under his tongue and repeated "Don't bite down, ok?" As soon as it entered his mouth and I let go, I hear the sound of glass breaking and I freaked. I cleaned it out, called the pediatrician.....and he said, "Don't panic, they haven't put mercury in thermometers for at least the last 10 years". He probably told me what they replaced it with, I just don't remember...I was too relieved to know I didn't poison my baby)