First time I've done this kickycan, so to offset my inexperience I'll give you a big clue, (west coast britain)
First time for me. I don't know what I'm doing either. It's a british song? I hope it's something by the Beatles, or this could take a looooooong time.
LOL I'm stumped too.. the only one I've gotten so far was the here comes the bride... a little too late.
Another one to ponder..
doo doo duh duh, doo doo duh duh, doo duh doo dah doo dah duh dah
(anyone who has ever heard this song has had this stuck in their heads, these are the only words in the song that makes sense... they are the actual words too .. or pretty close)
That one has got to be The Police, right?
I think that goes more like