Fri 9 Apr, 2004 12:06 pm
da dum da dum, da dum, da dum da dum da dum da dum da dummmmm . . .
Hmmmmmmm, these lyrics sound familiar......... have to think about that........
Pink Panther theme, Henry Mancini.
Yes, you're right, cav! I knew I heard it before...
I like this game...lemme try:
dum dum da dum, dum dum da dum, dum dum da dum dum da dum dum da dumb
Wow, that was good! I can't get yours though. I'll have to think about it.
I am going to go crazy now. Gimme a hint.
Well, I didn't intend to put that 'b' at the end of the last dum, but given the song, maybe it was a Freudian slip, or a warning...
Okay, now I can't get the theme to Rocky out of my head, and I know that isn't it . . .
Now that I look at it, Beethoven's Ninth does kinda of fit, but I was going for "Here Comes the Bride."
Yeah, now I see why you put the dumb on there at the end. Ha ha.
Aha! Yeah I knew the Ninth was close, but wasn't sure. When you said Freudian, I thought hmm, part of the Ode to Joy goes,
"Freuden! Freuden!" (sp.)
One More.
Dum dum dum, dum dum da dum, dum dum dum, dum da dum.
Chaikovskys piano concerto No. 1
Maybe that fits, but it's not what I was going for. Hint: It's one of the most popular rock guitar riffs of all time.
Deep purple or any of their combinations of bands perhaps?
You got it. Smoke on the Water!!! Yes! You win the prize! Now it's your turn to give us one.
dah da da dum dum da da dum dum, da da da da da dum dum da da dum
Apologies kc I've had to amend this a bit --sorry bout that.
This might be the "da dum"est thread I've ever come up with. I'll have to think about this one.