Fri 20 Dec, 2002 11:37 pm
Or, do you enjoy knowing everyone? Does it depend on the interaction?
In my own case I only really participate in a few of the forums so it's usually pretty much the same group of people in each of them. There are probably some pros and cons both ways I suppose. Right now we're still in a bit of a "honeymoon" period and we have a limited number or members. Hopefully the site will grow and new members will come in with new perspectives and share them.
In the mean time I'm learning quite a bit more about people that I knew before and how some of them think about life and approach different issues. I guess you could say that I'm finding more depth in the few numbers we have..
I haven't really interacted with you much since you signed on. It's good to see that you're still generating thought provoking questions!
I don't mind posts, as long as we don't those afuzz types who seem to have nothing better to do than spamming with some sort of political idiotic message.
I guess a number of us gather at certain members questions because we feel comfortable there. I did that on afuzz, and to an extent I do that here also.
Methinks they is getting tired of me.
People like fishin and pueo were my first contacts on Abuzz, in fact the fishin man is some one I feel like I know and that he knows me. He will give me some stern and rudder when I need it and praise when I deserve it. Fishin got me hooked on Abuzz, I could not believe before that the a web site could be human.
But I love meeting new comers, right now we have a lot of regulars and sometimes I worry that our clubishness is well offensive. If you really look at some of our interactions it is as if we have known each other forever.
Not a bit of it, chatoyant. I do still prefer your old Abuzz name, though. It seemed so appropriate to your comments.
Seaking of fishin', I agree with you JD, fishin's a good man.
How do you suppose fishin' does any actual fishing with him being all over a2k all the time?
What was your Abuzz name chatoyant?
Some one should start that up as a topic like I did not know for quite awhile that quinn1 was MassCass.
Funny you should mention that. Just yesterday I asked littlek if quinn was MC. She confirmed that it was indeed MassCass. Actually if I wasn't so lazy I would have checked quinn's profile in which she say's that she is in fact MC.
No, my old Abuzz name was not snitch.

It was sunniegirl. I think I'll put that in my profile.
Thanks ya'll for your comments. I do feel that way sometimes, but I'm probably not alone.
Welcome to A2k sunnigirl. hehe.
Ah, but chatoyant hasn't filled out a profile.
I guess not JD, if it's in her profile. You know, I'm always uncomfortable either giving up either an Abuzz name or a personal name, even when I've seen others do it. Exception is dlowan. Almost everyone calls her Deb, anyway, or at least did on Abuzz and Raven's Realm.
To answer pueo's question - I'm not at all tired of the same posters, with just a few notable exceptions. I've always been more comfortable with those I feel I know, and the internet experience hasn't changed my feelings.