Cyracuz said:
Quote:I do not know if there exists one single religion that is entirely free of contraditions
Even the "religions" of atheism and agnosticism contain contradictions, but anyway all religions except Christianity aren't worth a rat's ass, let me give a little clue as to why..

Christianity has Jesus the Son of God himself as its front man.
Islam - doesn't
Judaism - doesn't
Sikhism - doesn't
Buddhism - doesn't
Hinduism - doesn't
Spiritism - doesn't
Bahai - doesn't
Jainism - doesn't
Shinto - doesn't
Taoism - doesn't
Zoroastanism - doesn't
Paganism - doesn't
Rastafarianism - doesn't
Scientology - doesn't
Chinese traditional - doesn't
African tribal - doesn't
Cao Dai - doesn't
Tenrikyo - doesn't
New Age - doesn't
Unitarian - doesn't
Native American - doesn't
Fairy-worshipping cults, Atheism, Agnosticism etc - don't
I mean, a religion without Jesus is like a boxed set of "The History of Rock n' Roll" CD's without Elvis in there, right Elv?