I would need more detail in the photo in order to identify it. However, the first impression that came to mind was a baby House Centipede or possibly a Silverfish, but the scale is wrong.
House Centipedes are normally around an inch long, not "dust speck" sized. I don't know how big they are when they are born. Silverfish are smaller, but still not that small, and again, I don't know how large the babies are.
Normally at small scales like this you're talking about some type of Mite. But Mites usually have a more roundish body plan, whereas these seem to be elongated.
One thing that would help is to know how many legs they have. If it's eight, then I would say it's some type of Mite. If it's more than that, then some type of centipede.
Silverfish like humid environments with exposed saturated sheetrock (common in bath tubs), they eat the paper and glue from the back of the sheetrock.