No I didn't know about Olympia if that is what you are talking about. That area is south of where I live.
I was in Vegas and everyday I walked down the street to get a pop from a small store. There were 3 guys sitting on the sidewalk and they appeared to be homeless. When I walked by them, I said hi and they said hi back.
On the 4th day I stopped and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. I told them I was going to the store and taking orders. I said they could each have 3 items a piece. I actually told them if they wanted a beer, cigarettes it didn't matter.
It looked like they were shocked. What they asked for was milk, bread, orange juice, water, lunch meat and fruit. I wrote it down, bought the items and on my way back gave it to them. They asked why I did that for them. I told them it was because they didn't ask me for anything everyday I had walked by and because they were nice enough to just say hi.
I was leaving the next day and never saw them again. Sometimes I do believe there are people who could use a little help and they aren't taking advantage of the system.