The Chinese Triads

Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 04:00 pm
sncl wrote:
Various active triads runnin' in london china town & otha places all over the UK, main boss playas would b
'Wo Shing Wo/SW'
'14K' &
'Sun Yee On'
but there are also minor gangs founded by little wanna b thugs (who probably watched Young & Dangerous films & thought the life of a triad is the way to live) these ones such as NXB, VOB, YD, these gangs founded by little children brainwashed about the triad life are beginning to grow, but will neva grw as big as the 3 main playas, but there are many more street gangs tryin to be known, walkin round wiv the double keychains wannab thug style, such a waste really, they are like 15 an wanna b a gangster, wot a wasted childhood.
are u stil on this site??
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Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2007 06:39 pm
Re: herd of me
chicken_woz_ere wrote:
guest who i am ?
finally ive found sum1 on da internet that is obsessed wif the young n dangerous films, shame ur probly not on the site since the post was sent last year, oh wel, maybe nextime hey, any1 dat hasent seen the movies young n dangerous, trust me GO AND SEE THEM RITE AWAY, WATCH THEM ON A FRIDAY NITE, but not wif ur girl, it wil bore her 2 death,(take it from sum1 dat dun that), watch it wif ur boys, its the only film dat made volume 1-6! coz ther was such a demand 4 it, i can understand why they so many aswel,its an excerlent series, once u wacth 1 u dont want it 2 every end, i mus b da only person dat wants a number 7 comes out, i cant get enuff of it, it made me triad crazy!!!!!
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Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2007 04:58 pm
any gals here get turned on by sleepin with a gangster?
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Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2007 11:08 am
Re: /
falkon wrote:
any gals here get turned on by sleepin with a gangster?
Evil or Very Mad but it was worth a shot rite girls? Twisted Evil
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zhu siao long
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 05:02 am
dr michelle7 why are you so interested with triads??
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Reply Tue 26 Jun, 2007 02:43 pm
zhu siao long wrote:
dr michelle7 why are you so interested with triads??
i always wanted 2 belong 2 sunthing strong,2 b apart of sumfing dat was mine,dat sum1 cudnt take away from me,dat wud look out 4 me n care, ive always liked the triads since high school days when i 1st saw them, only problem is i never did grow out of dat wanting 2 b apart of sumthing and i thought by now i wud av since im in my twenties, i jus dont understand myself coz i no it leads down a bad road, but it wud be worth it jus 2 get dat feelin of respect n belonging, but u probley but understand like every1 else rite?
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 09:15 pm
i used to be apart of triads, i wont say which one but there all the same. was in triads for bout 2 years. it all started with one friend who joins and everyone else follows. thats how it started for me, i was bout 16
most of my mates was bout 15 to 14.

at a young age you dont think bout nagative side of being a triad. all they see is a status, power icon to show importants, which is far from what it really is.

anyone who reading this and is apart of some gang.

look at yourself and be real, is this what you really want.

knowing your part of some group who aint your friends, only because you share a name.

having to do job while your boss gets away with everything

like the power of fear...?

you wanna end up dead.

i only came to my senses after someone tried to kill me, i died once.
i just hope no one learn the hard way like i did.
im mostly talking to the one who are promoting gang thinking they got something to prove.
pm me if you need advice getting out, dont be afraid to leave the group. there always someone to help you.
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 01:15 pm
red8 wrote:
i used to be apart of triads, i wont say which one but there all the same. was in triads for bout 2 years. it all started with one friend who joins and everyone else follows. thats how it started for me, i was bout 16
most of my mates was bout 15 to 14.

at a young age you dont think bout nagative side of being a triad. all they see is a status, power icon to show importants, which is far from what it really is.

anyone who reading this and is apart of some gang.

look at yourself and be real, is this what you really want.

knowing your part of some group who aint your friends, only because you share a name.

having to do job while your boss gets away with everything

like the power of fear...?

you wanna end up dead.

i only came to my senses after someone tried to kill me, i died once.
i just hope no one learn the hard way like i did.
im mostly talking to the one who are promoting gang thinking they got something to prove.
pm me if you need advice getting out, dont be afraid to leave the group. there always someone to help you.
really i cant thank u enough thanks, know one really seems 2 understand when i say i want 2 join the triads, they jus tell me stuff i no already,like jail,death ect,i can tell by the way you talk you no wat your talkin about, can you tell me how you left ur group and why, if i was in i cant see myself leaving but i dont no wat its realy like, thank you, you have goodness in your heart, thats why you left, let me no
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Reply Mon 9 Jul, 2007 04:02 pm
falkon wrote:
red8 wrote:
i used to be apart of triads, i wont say which one but there all the same. was in triads for bout 2 years. it all started with one friend who joins and everyone else follows. thats how it started for me, i was bout 16
most of my mates was bout 15 to 14.

at a young age you dont think bout nagative side of being a triad. all they see is a status, power icon to show importants, which is far from what it really is.

anyone who reading this and is apart of some gang.

look at yourself and be real, is this what you really want.

knowing your part of some group who aint your friends, only because you share a name.

having to do job while your boss gets away with everything

like the power of fear...?

you wanna end up dead.

i only came to my senses after someone tried to kill me, i died once.
i just hope no one learn the hard way like i did.
im mostly talking to the one who are promoting gang thinking they got something to prove.
pm me if you need advice getting out, dont be afraid to leave the group. there always someone to help you.
really i cant thank u enough thanks, know one really seems 2 understand when i say i want 2 join the triads, they jus tell me stuff i no already,like jail,death ect,i can tell by the way you talk you no wat your talkin about, can you tell me how you left ur group and why, if i was in i cant see myself leaving but i dont no wat its realy like, thank you, you have goodness in your heart, thats why you left, let me no
well **** u then asshole!, im sick of people not getin bak 2 me!
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Reply Fri 20 Jul, 2007 12:37 pm
no subject
any1 who joins triad nowadays is silly coz in this 3rd generation of chinkz bein in UK there ain no money to be made anymore unless you wanna take big risks.
Back in the day the 1st generation were makin money (There was a reason to become a triad)..in the second generation (my dads generation) is when it got harder to make money and now in my generation (Im 18) its almost impossible to make reasonable money unless you can act right, you got the balls and are willing to take big risks.

Nowadays alot of the youngers are joining the triads because they want to feel secure and be part of a group...for anyone who says there a disgrace to chinese..say it to there face?...you cant just start bitchin on dem when u dont understand them...most of the youngaz (infact probably all of dem) are bbc ...for the ones livin in london you more or less feel that you have to be in a gang so that you feel like you belong to something...that you have protection if any one trys move you. Dont look down or chat **** about these kids if you dont understand them properly...your just outsiders lookin in on them..you arnt brought up the way they are..in the areas they are from or the schools that they go to and the people they are surrounded by.

As for me, for any1 who would wanna know..Im 18 and am currently studyin for my A levels to go on to uni. When I was 17, for 1 year I was involved in the triads. It started when I would be asked to go pick up money from sharkloans because someone else couldnt do it. From there I met people involved in the postition game and I would get customers and if possible recruit new girls. I never got payed for this but my dai lo looked after me.

I wasnt making money...I felt like I was wasting my time. I knew that I would have a better chance of making money in the future by going to school than trying to make it in the triads. I was not willing to take big risks in dealing drugs which is why I felt I should leave...There was no point anymore...I wasnt makin money, I didnt need the fake respect or the fake friends and I didnt want the protection. I just wanted to be an individual and be me...if i had trouble I would take care of it myself.

Nowadays alot of youngaz r startin to follow. Half the lot only join because they need protection. Just ask yourself IS IT WHAT YOU ARE?...you either got it or you aint...if you want to get involved with triads make sure you do it and go all the way...not half way...or a quater of the way because its just wasting time..in the end of the day its all about money...think about are u gna be makin money?...**** the respect and feeling like you belong to a group...you only need yourself and thats it.

I wasted a whole year and failed and got kicked out of my school because I got involed with the triads. I bareley made any money...all i got was the respect and feeling that I belonged...But I realised that it wasnt what I needed.

Study, work or become a gangster...s'up to you init but if your gna become a gangster make sure you go all the way..dont be some fake gangster just wasting your time.

Bless ;]
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sw snake brothers
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 12:32 pm
The truth about 14k
f**k 14k, f**k sui fong, they are all a bunch of fake ass, un-organized triads that give us REAL triads (SW) a bad name especially the fresh-of-the-boat chinamen who come down here cant speak a word of english, they're only good for selling dvd's ad cigarettes, go row back home on the boat you came in you bunch of ******* fraggle flop clowns lol.
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sw snake brothers
Reply Fri 3 Aug, 2007 12:43 pm
14 gays
14k should be called 14 gays, the reason why is one time me and my hingdays went down to 113 in chancery lane to bully sum of the 14k pussies lol, when we went downstairs we saw a bunch of them grabbin eachothers cocks and bumming eachother in the big glass room, so then we left and never came back lol.
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Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 08:27 pm
Guys look,

We are all Chinese, why the hell do we have to fight? Dont you remember our moral values of Brotherhood? Here is a better idea, why dont we all the Triads unite to kick a bunch of White Guys' asses
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 04:10 am
This isn't the late 19th/early 20th century. The era for white guy's asses needing to be kicked (at least out of Asia) has long gone. I would recommend that if you really wanted to make whichever part of China/HK/Taiwan/whatever you live a better place, just put a bullet through your skull. Same recommendation goes out to all lowlifes who take part in organized crime.
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sw out here
Reply Fri 21 Sep, 2007 06:55 am
listern fam its all about sw out here if u dnt no about us den dnt chat **** and listern 2 dem 14k pussys cos dere not real u get me but us sw are real and if u wanna fuk with us its like fukin wid ur life init so hol tite all the hindays and tting and fuk 14k
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Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 01:20 pm
I've read alot of the posts on here, and i couldn't help myself but leave a message, All these teens know adays are mislead by the popular media and their depiction of the triads... I'm not going to get started on the ancient history of the triads, But lets take a look at the 1960's Hong Kong when the triads flourish, I can understand why it flourished back then because during that time alot of chinese who just arrived from the mainland had little money and more importantly little to no education. Running illegal business was their only way to survive or find a way out of the designated chinese ghettos. The four biggest triads in hong kong were all started by poor peeps that had no education and their only way out was their bare fists. The 1960's Hong Kong is definately much different then the modern day Hong Kong, and lets not mention all the other cities with a huge chinese population. During the 1960's before the ICAC was established it was easy to bribe to police, therefore easy to do illegal business. Nowadays you try to stand in a street corner and hustle sacs the police will be on your ass. Anyone who does do this kind of business should very well know what i'm talking about. The business has changed... Its not about claiming your this or in that anymore. Everything nowadays is low key. But, i wouldn't say that business is slow, its actually getting better, just more and more secretive. If you could just STOP! and get a sense of the present, then you would notice that nowadays street fights have become less and less, but shootings have risen dramatically. The point is if your a teen that has a bunch of friends that hang out at a certain street corner, that smokes weed, hustle small sacs, start fights, and try to let everyone in the world know that your in something. Then your either pretty stupid or want to get arrested, and no that doesn't make you a triad. The real deal probably don't even know of your groups existence or just stay back and laugh at you kids taking the police off their backs so they can make the REAL money...So the next time you go hang out with your friends in your corner, getting high,drunk, and being loud maybe you should just take a moment to think... where is the money that i'm suppose to be making like i see in the movies...
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Reply Thu 25 Oct, 2007 03:16 pm
and all your internal angles must add up to 180 degrees
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chinky boi
Reply Tue 6 Nov, 2007 04:26 am
all u yungaz finkin ur triads r fake. real triads dnt need 2 fyt or chop som1 up. real triads make money blud. so all u fake gu wak jais fink twice b4 u call urselfs true triads
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Reply Mon 24 Mar, 2008 10:35 pm
Im a member of the Sun Yee On group. The biggest and most fierce group in HK. You have to be 25 and over to be part of the family. U have to be Chinese preferebly of HK origin to join. I was born as part of Lo Sun, Sun Yee On nickname the day I was born. I didn't know this until I found out some of my family members are part of Lo Sun. A lot of what I have read is true and I see what has happened in the past between 14 and Sing Wo. But actually its not all like that. I've been an official member of Lo Sun for 11 years now and I know the top faces in London Chinatown. I actually have a good relationship with them from all other gangs 14 and SW. Not all triads are dumb and dyed hair from Peckham like suggested before. I actually have a degree and progressed in my education tidily. However, instead of getting a proper job, I work for my family. Living a life as a gang member can be a regretful choice in life. But if u have a little guts and a little brain u can get through. Anyone who doesnt think Im the real deal, feel free to post replies. Please understand my reponse maybe restricted
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Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2008 09:12 am
Advice required.

I want to borrow some big money from the Triads in London (China-Town) in a private loan. I need big cash for an invesment and can't get the help I need from banks etc.

I can pay them back double in 4-6 months whatever they lend me. I am 100% certain I can pay them back double and I am not stupid enough to consider doing business with them if I wasn't certain of being able to pay them back double in 4-6 months. I mean I don't want to die!!

DO you think they will agree to this?

And how do I approach them in the first place? Do i just go into a restaurant or shop and ask for them? What should I say to try and get a contact without wanting to dis-respect them? Should I just leave a mobile number with my request and ask someone to give me a call?

I am white and not Asian

Any help, greatly appreciated.
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