The Chinese Triads

Reply Fri 4 Nov, 2005 03:38 am

Don't want to talk about it too much on a public forum. Drop me an e-mail if you can and I'd be more than happy to tell you what I'm cooking up.

[email protected]

Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2005 10:25 am
for Uchihasupsey

well I'm indian you reckon they'll still let me in.
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sw jay
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2005 03:46 pm
sw rulez!!!!
i follow sw and let me educate u lot about sumfing, i knw theres alot of 14k here and they luv to big themselves up and wot hav it, but to tell u da truth they aint nufin but a buunch of wannabes with dyed hair that go around having their little fights trying to make a name out of their uselless selves, the real triad group out there are sw and will always be sw cos we are the most notorious, viscious triad group in london. we were the ones that won the war agains 14k bak in the day, we were the ones that made it from rags to riches, we've always been bad mouthed and will always be bad mouthed, but the truth is dat all the other crews are scared of us and cant handle us, our motto is 'no one likes us, we dont care'
Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2005 01:45 am
heard about 14k in london, heres a question.

are there any girls in the triads? if so what are their roles?
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 10:53 am
Girls aren't really meant to follow...Why, are you interested?
And by the way, sw_jay, you're talking about the yungaz. If the yungaz aren't powerful as SW oldaz, i wudnt be surprised. N btw, any1 with a machete or a gun can do damage, dun matter wat click ur from.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 11:00 am
n BlackDragon are u asking for the sake of it or u actually wana join? lol
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2006 06:28 pm
My Dad was in the Triad in London during the 70s and 80s. He never divulge his past, but was offered hitman contract and had met the Godfather of his group. I'm trying to establish the identity of the major groups during those times, any ideas?
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Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 02:32 pm
hey yall
i was just on here to find out whatever i can about the triads. I have a best friend in saskatchewan canada who him and his family are all triads but there is so much gang activity where they are from they never talked much about it but i got pretty deep in with them as deep as i can go without joining as i am a canadian white boy, i am just curious as to how much i got myself into.

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Reply Sun 7 May, 2006 06:43 pm
bruv, jus ask any viet or chinese boy that is dressed up nice if they know any triads, they would say yea lol
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 03:43 pm
The china town area of London does harbour Triad members who remain in the shadows. They make their riches from running restaurants, trafficking illegal immigrants and selling all kinds of fake **** like dvds. I will not name any groups, though i will not hold back my rant.

As a Chinese born in England I am disgusted to know that such atrocities go unnoticed and that such sick bastards who carry out these crimes exist.

It saddens me further to learn that most british born chinese children today will actually glorify the idea of joining these disgraceful groups. I am of course refurring to the stupid poser triads living in london, dumb kids who are 12 - 16, whose balls haven't even dropped yet and they go around selling drugs, getting high, carrying weapons (as if knife crime levels in this country really needs this extra boost) and dying their hair blond.

This is just sad, all pathetic kids like these claim they are the 'younger lots' of these 'great' and 'honourable' gangs. Listen to me, you are stupid, most of you aren't the younger lot of anything you think just because you dye your hair and carry weapons it makes you a gangster? There is nothing cool about gansterism, ok? Prostitution, human trafficking, killing, slave labour, sex slaves, forget what you have seen in the young and dangerous films. Triad activities are truely revolting and disgraceful.
Most of you dumbasses will end up on the dough, that i promise you.

All you silly kids talk so much **** about sw, 14k, whatever the ****, you are not impressing anyone. Most of you can't even spell properly, i hear so much **** about these 'SW triads' try and chat balls, can't even spell. "Yeh, Blud, we R, Recrutin, cum, blad, got blem?" How pathetic it sounds exactly like stereotypical street mugger living in peckham.
Seriously, "if 'U' lyk da way I spell, den 'U' mus hav sum tru prob."

Seriously, stop putting oriental people to disgrace. my word to all chinese people out there (although I feel this applies to all people, regardless of race) :-

Go to school
Get an education
Go on to higher education
get a job that doesn't involve street mugging are selling cannabis

If you seriously romanticise about walking around trocodero carrying knives, dying your hair and mouthing off other chinese groups then you are not 'honourable' to anyone in any way like your pathetic 'crew' claims, you are a disgrace to chinese people everywhere and a waste of time and money on the NHS, the emergency services, council housing, jobseeker benefits, and you put a ridiculous image on chinese people. You are not a gangster you are just a silly youth who goes around mugging people, a common thief. (did i mention the drain on education budgets?)

Please i am beggng you, for the sake of chinese people everywhere, please, go to school and don't **** up your life
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chicken woz ere
Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 02:21 am
herd of me
guest who i am ?
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 09:50 am
Apparently, you're an ignorant child who is doing poorly in school. You are probably a boy experimenting with being a "tough-guy" as you waste your youth and dishonor your family. You probably don't read much, and you certainly are unable to use the English language at even a minimal level. At this point you may have already begun committing small crimes, and in the future you can look for several lengthy terms "inside". You are a blight on society today, and your future of failure will cost more than you will ever be worth.

It doesn't have to be that way. Your parents and family could be proud of you and your accomplishments. You could complete your schooling and learn a trade, or enter an honorable profession. Instead of being a bum and petty criminal, you could be a contributing member of society. You could reap the rewards of being a solid citizen and bring home a regular salary. You could have almost anything you might wish for, and the respect of other "solid citizens" is worth far more than any "punk" group in existence. You could have a wife and family of your own, and thats a bigger thing than you realize today. You could change your future, but don't wait too long because the longer you remain a sullen juvenile delinquent, the harder any change will be.

Start by choosing new and respectable friends, while casting away the criminals you currently like to impress. You need to seriously think about your future; what future do you want for yourself? What do you need to learn to make that future probable? Choose good role models. Respect your parents and elders, listen to them and do what they tell you. Of course, if your elders are criminals and low-life losers you might want to reconsider this little nugget of advice. Change your habits. Stay home more, go to bed and rise early. Avoid alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Develope a healthy interest in the world, and feed that interest by reading. Every day read the newspapers and magazines, but more importantly read non-fiction books. A book a week adds up to more books in a year than you've probably read in the previous decade. As you learn more about the world, write everyday in your personal journal using proper English and spelling.

Begin paying attention in school, do your homework carefully and strive for top marks. At first doing well in school will be frustrating because you've already set such low expectations for yourself and those around you. Diligence will pay off.

You've already fallen far behind in the contest that will decide who will live a happy, secure and successful life. Don't waste any more time, you don't know how much of it you have. If you continue along the course you've taken so far, your life will be short and there won't be many to mourn you when your gone.

Pay attention!
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chicken woz ere
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 08:43 pm
to asherman
ok i have to admit i was kinda childish well that was just a part of me cant blame myself am just 16. am just going to tell you what you was right and what you was wrong and point out your mistakes. well your right about doing poorly in school but thens agians cant say is my fault, have you ever been in a **** school in the ghetto ? is way much different compared to the white mans area lol your wrong about the being bad boy. if me stabbing a person means being bad boy thens you can call that but thens agians think deep why would i stab someone. theirs always a reason for somethink to happen. for example if you follow me and i think your a child rapest or a storker ill teach you a lession not to follow me lol i dont waste my youth and dishonoring my family your wrong agians tut tut ant good to ashume alot. and i dont read books -_- lol i read fat books books about the occult have you ever herd of the word occult or what it means i dont think so. committing small crimes oh gosh am just human ok who havnt broke a law before in their life time. i reconked you have done a small crime before in your life. what a hypocrite and thats a fact =P . am a blight to society lol well what society are you talking about ? am probs a blight to your society and a angel in another society =P. and your talking about my future are you predicting my future what are you a phychic lol if you are i would take your words on it but by my guestin skills you cant be a phychic since you ashumed alot of bullshit i reconked you only use about 5 percent of your brain not even average person let alone use more thens 15% of your brain which means you would have esp (extrasensory perception) and make you a phychic but am sorry to tell you your not one soo shut the **** up about my future ok. well am a mummys boy and yes she is proud of me well other family members like i gave a **** if they are proud of me as long as mummy is thens am happy =) . well i will complete my schooling and get a job and pay tax which the goverments makes alot of money out of tax and by the way dont think they use all the tax on schooling and hospital etc they only use about 20% of the money on schooling and etc the rest use it on war, making nuclear bomb and etc. being a bum and petty criminal once agians your trying to read the future lol well my aim is to be rich and bring home alot of money to my mum and is not i could is i will. i could have anythink i want lol come on be reals life ant simple you know no one is god to have any think they want in life think smart .RESPECT of other soo called solid citizens come on like i need to care what the **** about other people think or like i need to impress people who i dont care about. lol once agians you say i could as in my life time i would never get a wife once agains mr.phychic and know it all ashume wrong well actrully never know i might die alone >.< lol . soo anoyyin telling me what to do is my life and i do what i want to do biatch. woooowww you follow my friends too ******* hells what are you a white ninja you are. of course i lisen to elders they are more smarter and experence in life i learn alot from elders but i ant going to lisen to them if they tell me stuff like go eat **** lol. i know you would lol . well some people have to break a crime in order to survive in this harste world . well i change every year is part of growing up and remember i am human . stay home more and go to bed shut up you cant control me i got free will and your advice ant much help either i know mines wont help well here is my advice go out more and live life to the fullest never know when you are going to die. and you go to bed look at your picture i can see eye bags lol go bed you hypocrite. i dont drink i do green =P green is the best lol yer i do read your right about that reading more is good but did you know this reading newspaper and etc is what the goverment want you to know since they are hiding somethink and useing other infomasion as a decoy media and **** like that is all working for the goverment tv ant good for you much it brain wash people alot. pay attension in school well my school is hard to since their are black kids jumping around the class like monkeys and fobster surplie teachers which cant even teach and get controled by the students. do my homework lol i dont get none by the way. am aready fallen far behide the contest didnt know life was a contest lol well if i am thens you are too, because you ant at top of the key chain.think deep out of all the people in this world the world populasion you ant no important mother ******. a contest that will decide who will live happy come on no one is like you ok every one got different happyness. some people all they need is love for their happyness. other just need money or some fucked up weirld people just need sand in their hands to be happy lol. me minez just make my mum happy and be a rich mother ****** with a swt family. i dont know about yours maybi you get excited and happy over ashuming things lol.my life would be short once agians mr phychic and know it all tells my future lol when am gone am gone oh wellz thats just fate. well am going to critisize you from what i know from the text you typed in. i guest your just a sad mother ****** who fucked up hes life and tryin to gave advice to little kids. i can tell your depress look at them big eye bags and guest one of your happyness is eating because i can see a triple chin well no ones in prefect. damn am soo bord thats why i type all this **** and am a type of person if someone does soemthink offensive to me i do smethink back ok bye bye mr. phychic =P remember live life to the fullest.......
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 10:06 pm
Y'know, kid, you've got potential. Mebbe you'll figure a way to break out of the track you're on and realize that potential. Its all up to you, ain't nobody gonna do it for you. As it is, though, judging by what you've posted so far, your future is about as hard to predict as that of a twig bobbing along a stream headed for a huge waterfall - and not dissimilar.

Its up to you.
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Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 07:10 pm
You lot are all fools!
You lot don't know ****, Im the most baddest gangster in london, you gotta watch this name B-O. Ain't no 1 put me down yet, cause all these minor pussy biatches can try with there punani 30 man strong crew. They will only try get you in big numbers, but are all balless bitches. So if you wna know who runz things round here, it's me thats who. And there ain much so called triands no more, you gotta step in to the 21st century. We are thugs and gangsters, who have crews that are all mixed raced. The triads are dying out. Well thats the story, so all you fools chatting nuff breeze out there, it's actually funny what some you people say. Soon there will only be triads in far east. So big up NXB and all my boyz.
Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 08:28 pm
Another twig in the stream.
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Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2006 10:04 pm
Tragic waste, but many of these kids could be straightened out by a hitch in the Crotch.
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Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 05:28 am
Triad research

I am doing research on the triads too and would love to discuss with you.

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Reply Sun 11 Feb, 2007 04:02 am
Ok i dont kno whats the deal with u americans and london people about joining triads and stuff.. and to the person that said something about 14k why dont you and ur little toy soldiers come to hong kong and find out if you are really big and bad and i'll show u how big and bad you and your toy soldiers are...
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Reply Mon 26 Feb, 2007 07:39 pm
all loyal triad followers....
wat up people, its good 2 see so many of u have an interest in triads, if u live in da london area & u have n interest in triad gangs or if ur not sure about joinin full membership, its ok u can jus follow it until u make up ur mind. all u have 2 b is loyal, trustworthy, and care 4 ur new family (da gang),dont listen 2 the voices dat say it wil ruin ur live or u'll end up in jail coz dats bullshit, i no aload of followers dat havnt had any problemz, da only difference it wil make 2 ur life is ur have alot of people dat care 4 u and u wont b alone anymore wif ur problems.. 30 man strong gang. a di-low means big brother, a si-low means little brother, the si-lows follow the di-lows, if u hav any problems u talk 2 ur di-low and he wil giv u advise and help, dats a basic thing of how da gang works, i only check theses posts once a week so sorry if i dont get bak 2 u straght away,. so if u have any questons leave my name so i no ur talkin 2 me.anyway peace . falkon
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