Get my vibrator out and take care of business...:-)
or call another friend..
Aaah, that's right littlek, just lay here in my arms and dormite, mia cara, dormi...
nudge, nudge...ummm...could you move over a little...I hate sleeping in the wet spot...
I think she is making her own wet spot :-)
OH! Okay, well then, enjoy yourself mia cara, I'm going to just move over here to the other side of the mattress.
If you were a true would grap the vibrator and use your tongue and make sure she enjoyed herself...
Too late, I think he finished and fell asleep. If not, it would have been bzzzzt <slurp> and not just zzzzzzz.
Anyone have any chocolate?
wanna ride in my car littlek, I got chocolate!
OH MAN Hershey's Giant Almond bars were on sale 10 for $ 4 in the freezer :-)
I always have chocolate when kicky is involved. Why he doesn't realize how I take care of him on his adventures, I'll never know. He'll wake up in a daze tomorrow, and wonder if he satisfied you. Once again, I'll have to lie and say, "of course you did, it had nothing to do with chocolate."
woohoo! Which car Dys?
Willow, yum, almond AND chocolate.....
You can lie, cav, I'll be explaining why he never has any second dates.
male hersey's are soo passe'
Godiva is a real treat.
yes, treat yourself littlek...we can always GET OFF on the chocolate :-)....and Cav lying to kicky will never help him learn...i wish you would tell him the Venus butterfly technique again...
Or about how to try and knock the little fisherman out of his boat.
willow_tl wrote:yes, treat yourself littlek...we can also GET OFF on the chocolate :-)....and Cav lying to kicky will never help him learn...i wish you would tell him the Venus butterfly technique again...
He'll just forget. I'm starting to think this isn't the best gig I've had. One thing I didn't mention is that I don't only have chocolate, I have Valrhona. The website is in the portal.