Many years ago a character named Joe Pyne had a radio show. He did exactly what setanta describes, except I never heard him on religion. I recall one episode in which he invited a man to show off the new flag he designed for the states. After the introduction, Joe told the man "That's the stupidest flag I ever saw."
From Wikipedia:
His new show was unique. He named it It's Your Nickel, a popular idiomatic phrase when a call from a pay phone cost five cents. The format was Pyne expressing his opinions on various topics. Listeners would call to ask questions, offer their own opinions, or raise new topics. At first, Pyne didn't put callers on the air; he paraphrased for the audience what they had said. Soon the callers and his interaction with them became the heart of the show. Pyne became famous for arguing with or insulting those with whom he disagreed. One of his trademark insults was, "Go gargle with razor blades."[4]