Craven de Kere wrote:Adrian wrote:1 gigabyte free storage...
You sure this isn't an april 1 kinda story?
Nope, the catch is that their spider will eventually read your messages and serve contextual ads to you.
They have what could be a killer app. They get access to your email so that they can help you search it, and in turn get to monetize email with contextual advertising. Something that has never been done before.
This is going to make them a killing. 1GB is cheap for targeted eyballs.
I had a funny (to me) example of these contextual ads tonight. Since most of my gmail so far has consisted of "test" and "here's your invite" and "thank you", I haven't seen many ads on gmail at all. Tonight, it was a side bar of Howard Dean ads. Howard Dean? Why am I getting Howard Dean ads? ahhhhhh, the person who sent me a "thank you" is Dean. One of the biggest red neck michigan militia types i know. His emails are now accompanied by Howard Dean ads. I'll tell him if I want him to stroke out.
errrrrrr, yes, the words match, but the context not so much.