What it boils down to is the failure of our academicians to understand the inherent differences existing between students and children in general. education must meet the needs not only of the child but the needs of the culture and community that influenced him. trying to make scientists and physicists of young black kids is a waste of time,effort and money. [monkey]
But this is what black children are told. They, are smart enough to know they are being had .
All children should be tested at the earliest age possible and placed according to their aptitude and not to satisfy a particular racial quota.
this is as much a waste for blacks as it is for white kids. most white schools are having to operate on a tight budget in order to provide funding for minority schools. this is a waste of potential that this country will someday learn to regret wasting and ignoring.
but what can you expect out of a nation that has surrendered its will to resist the blood suckers and vultures operating out of zionist controlled congress.
there's precious little difference between the american congress and the knesset.