maxdancona wrote:
Let me ask.
What are you calling "reality" (if it isn't the things we observe and interact with)? This concept seems to be pretty important to you. My definition of reality has to do with what is scientifically, or qualitatively measurable or observable (either now or in the future).
I am curious if you have a better one.
Well...your definition brings into question a very important possible component.
Suppose the REALITY is that we humans will never be able to "scientifically or qualitatively measure or observe"...what actually IS.
Under those circumstances...using your "definition"...we would be required to disregard what could easily be the greater part of REALITY.
In any case, my comment earlier was to the point that NO REPUTABLE SCIENTIST would suggest that we have even defined and identified the entire of what exists (the true universe)...and we can only make comments about that part that we can define and identify.
Some scientists would (I suppose) suggest that the part we can identify (the results of the Big Bang) IS FINITE. We do not know if this thing (that which we call "the universe") is all that exists. If there is more...that "more" MAY BE infinite.
I was just stating the obvious...something most scientists would probably point out. I was not being a wise-ass.