If you are using gmail, there are several things you can do to help filter and sort the emails.
Gmail has the ability to filter mails based upon the sender or specific keywords. Once filtered, it has the ability to sort those emails into generic or custom labeled folders.
For example, I have several filters set up to capture the more common words in spam emails such as viagra and enhancement. Those get redirected to the trash file without me ever having to see them.
I also have filters set up for family members and those get redirected to a folder labeled family. Another filter and folder is set up for work-related emails. Another for vendor email subscriptions I wish to receive.
Anything that ends up in the generic inbox gets quickly dealt with by marking it as spam. If there are repeat occurrences in the inbox, they get added to one of the filters.
Once those folders are set up, you can also assign priority to them in the list of folders with the most important being at the top of the list.
The work and family folders get read daily, the vendor emails get read once a week. I couldn't tell you how many viagra emails I still get because I never see them.