Sat 27 Mar, 2004 04:59 am
If we have round meadow and we want to tie a cow with a rope to the border of the meadow. how long should be a rope if we want the cow to be able to eat half of the meadow?
Ewww - thats a hard question after many too many shots - let some else anser that - hint chapter 19 of standard Earl W. Swokowski text book!
Wouldnt you just find the diameter of the meadow and then just take the radis of the meadow and that would the length of the rope? that is if the meadow as an exact cirlce, seing that the radis would cover the half of the meadow... or am Ijust thinking ouf of my rear?
But if you tied the cow to a point on the perimeter of this circular meadow, it would have access to the grass that was within the length of the rope from where it was tied - that is, it would have a circle within which it could reach - and that circle overlaps the meadow circle because its center is on the edge of the meadow - but I think the area overlapping the two circles is less than half of the meadow circle. Do I make sense?
So is there a fence on this meadow, is it a bow canyon or what? I would think that if you put it on the perimeter then the cow wouldnt be able to creat a circle, it would just eat to the of the rope to its extremes.... oh i see what youa re saying... the length of the rope would allow the cow to reach the center of the meadow but when trying to reach the top of the cicrle it would fall short.... do you nderstand that? Cus i think I just confused myself..... :-/
How do I upload a picture? I'll show you what I mean.
you're guess is as good as mine... post a link or email it i guess
[email protected]
Well, it seems that I can upload an avatar but not a regular image, so there it is. The dot is where the cow is tied up. The light green area is the part of the meadow the cow can get to. It is not equal to the dark green area, the rest of the meadow.
I dont know.. i think it might not be possible.. ut then again this just could be pass my scope of ability right now... either that or its just to late and i have thought about it to much ...sorry
It is possible, I just don't know what the answer is.
i will think about it when i go to work tonight... but i thought that would be the right answer to being with.. sadly its not
yea see i just wasnt willing to go that deep into the problem... heck i dont think i could find my Ti-89 right now to even pull the mathmatics.. hehe... thanks for sharing that link