Fri 26 Mar, 2004 10:23 am
Anybody using Neurontin for other than seizures? What are your experiences and side effects. Thanks
Hi wannabee....
Welcome to A2K!!
Are you asking about using Neurontin for a dog?
What would you use Neurontin for, if you aren't going to use it for seizures?
Although neurontin is designed for the treatment of epilepsy it has also been found to at times be effective in treating neuropathy. Although my use of the drug brought no positive results I know of instances when it did. As for side effects did not have any and have not heard of anyone that did. However, as with any drug it will effect people in different ways.
My husband was prescribed neurontin for chronic shoulder pain. Within 48 hrs., he started experiencing chest pains (no history of heart problems) and was taken off the drug immediately. No further problems.
As I said medications affect different people in different ways. I took nuerontin for six months with no ill effects and I must add no help either.
Mr. Noddy has been diabetic for 40 years. Neurontin relieves much of the pain of severe neuropathy, but he falls asleep in his chair morning, afternoon and evening.
Our daughterin-law is bedridden with MS. She takes neurontin for nerve pain and it seems to muddle her mind considerably--but this could also be caused by MS damage.
Glad it works for them, Noddy. (What does the doctor say about your daughter-in-law's clouded mind? Has he tried another drug to see if it could be the neurontin?)
This is a good example of why all drugs come with a list of POSSIBLE side effects. They can and do react differently with each person.
Daughter-in-law (actually ex-daughter-in-law) and her mother want to blame the fuzzy minded situation on the neurontin. I'm sure if the neurontin were proved responsible, her doctor would find another pain killer.
The family has embraced denial most enthusiastically.
Oh dear.
SO glad to hear she's an ex.
Believe me, Debbi with all her little quirks, is a much more congenial family member (and much better human being) than the Father of the Grandchild who feld to Florida because he was tired of paying child support.
Mr. Noddy has a colorful family.
I hear you, Noddy!
(So does Mr. Eva. No, that doesn't sound right. Let's see...who was Venus's consort? Hmm. Adonis? Yes, I think that is right. And Venus's son was Cupid. I think I will use those names for them from now on.)
Perhaps we should have a "colorful family" thread where we could all anonymously share stories about our weird relatives.
Venus disported herself with Adonis (and with other young men, demi gods and Mars, but her "husband" was lame Vulcan, the smith and craftsman.
I'm sorry it's taken so long to reply to the replies about Neurontin. It was prescribed for pain. I have asthma and pain meds severely suppress my breathing. Neurontin was experimental. It did make me sleepy - the pain lessened but not much -but I developed a sinus problem which might mean I'm allergic to it. Ain't life grand!
Noddy24 wrote:Eva--
Venus disported herself with Adonis (and with other young men, demi gods and Mars, but her "husband" was lame Vulcan, the smith and craftsman.
Sorry, Noddy, I didn't see this 'til now.
I don't wanna talk about Vulcan. That was a forced marriage. We haven't lived together in eons. (And I still haven't forgiven Zeus.) Surely a goddess may be allowed to have a few skeletons in her closet?
Vulcan is definitely not a ladies man, but as far as smithying, he's unmatched. Once upon a time I had a kitchen knife that he crafted--it would slice anything--and slice evenly, too.
No good for mincing words or chopping logic, but indespensible in a kitchen.
Merely utilitarian was not my type. No. Not my type at all. And I am still p.o.-ed about being given away without my consent. I AM a Goddess, after all! I don't care how much Zeus liked those thunderbolts, he was simply NOT a suitable match. I mean really, can you picture him plopping his sooty behind on one of my lovely silk-covered chaises? Or limping up the center aisle at the opera wearing his dirty leather apron with the Goddess of Love and Beauty on his arm?? I don't THINK so!!!
Now, Adonis on the other hand....(big sigh)...I will never forget him.
Not all men--or gods--are hunks. Nonetheless, every man--or god--is good for something, even if that something is only as a Horrid Example.
Personally, I found Vulcan rather cuddly--after a bath, of course. Healers, Poets and Metal Workers are the three sacred professions and I admired Vulcan's robust holiness.
Of course, he was my choice, not a partner foisted upon me.
Yes! I am a goddess, dammit! I will choose my own consort!
<looking around>
Hmph. No likely contenders here. I will have to look on another thread....
Those spring flowers in your hair have made you very uppity. This is still April. Are you getting in training for May, the Month of Love?
Sorry. It's just that talking about V always puts me in such a bad mood.
Thanks for the reminder about May! I must get busy right away if I expect to find a suitable fellow in time for the festivities. Any suggestions on where to look?