Well I posted the same question on my main forum, and recieced the following consensus
DiHydrogen Monoxide << Pretty acceptable to me
Di-hydrous Oxide << doesn't sound right to me
DiHydrogen Oxide << too ambiguous, could be H2O2
Di-hydrogen Oxygen << doesn't sound right to me
Oxidized Hydrogen << Technically, a proton, deuteron or Tritium nucleus
Oxidized Hydronium << What's that, H3O(2+ or up)
Oxidized Di-hydronium << ?? H6O2(4+ or higher)
Hydrogen Oxide << could be H2O2, OH- etc
Hydrogen Hydroxide << Pretty good to me, shows how it dissociates...
Hydrohydroxic acid << Jury is still out here...
Di-hydronium Hydroxide << H7O3(+)... or H8O4
Di-hydronium Monooxide << H6O3
Di-hydronium Oxygen << doesn't sound right