The Mayan system was a semi-vegesimal, the first group was 20, but the second was based on the produce of 18 and 20 (20*18). Following groups were based upon this 18 factor and powers of 20.
The 18 seems to have come from the calendar of 360 days (e,g, 360=18*20).
As previously indicated the Mayan used dots and dashes to express numbers from 1 to 19, such that
represented units (believed to be fingers)
bars under the dots represented fives (believed to be hands)
= 1
= 8
= 13
A third bar under the dots was 15+3=18
A place holder (0) was also included and looked something like ())---only horizontal
The number expressions tended to be vertical
So the Mayan number
would be
8(18*202)+3(18*20)+0*20+13 =
8(7200)+3(360)+0(20+13 =
Rap c∫