@Ice Demon,
She's passing on a prescription that she learned in high school.
Shocked . . . shocked i tell you . . . i'm so shocked that you would pass that along . . . and grateful, too.
Here's my memory of one from the 1,000 Nights and a Night.
When Ali bin Somethingorother was a young man, he farted. It was such a momentus fart that it was a topic of conversation and embarassment for years. Finally, he had to leave town just to get some peace of mind.
Decades later, he returned, hoping all had been forgotten. So he inquired of an old man if he had been living there in the year whatever. "Sure", the old man said. "That was the very year Ali bin Something or other farted. By the way young fellow, what's your name?" "I'm Ali um Ali bin Somethingelse" was the answer, and he slunk quietly out of town, never to return.
There is a joke from ancient Sumeria, that I believe is currently considered the oldest known joke. And you pretty much called it, Set.
"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
It probably loses something in translation.
Quote:Shocked . . . shocked i tell you . . . i'm so shocked that you would pass that along . . . and grateful, too.
Too hilariously funny not to pass along.
small fart.......oh, excuse me.
Whew . . . who cut the cheese ? 1 ? ! ?
We southern gals call it fluff....
Still...a fart is a fart. I would much rather hear one than smell one though.
Take note of that por favor.
OH GEEEEZ, it's the small farts you've to watch out for.
Go invest in a a high-tech, fart-filtering butt plug, and leave everyone in peace, won't ya?
@Ice Demon,
Quote:OH GEEEEZ, it's the small farts you've to watch out for.
Go invest in a a high-tech, fart-filtering butt plug, and leave everyone in peace, won't ya?
But wouldn't you be disappointed if I did? You'd have nothing to photograph and make yuck yucks about.
The mistake you made is that you didn't blame it on the dog. The nature of the beast was potent enough to break apart marriages, Lola.
@Ice Demon,
We all blamed it on the dog. Especially on long car trips. But we all knew the one who spoke first or objected the loudest was the culprit.
One of the downsides to traveling, I agree. That is why it's always good to call shotgun before any trip. Makes it easier to bail from the car if someone lets it rip.
It's a well known proverb: He who smelt it delt it
Why are you being sexist? What if she smelt it?
@Ice Demon,
Men are always to blame. It's their masculine duty.
You're right, a woman needs a man like a robber needs a bank.
Exactly. Women don't fart, belch, or burp. That's why they have to keep bitchin' and nagging. If they didn't, they would probably explode.
I do all of the air related things.
BTW...what the hell is the difference between a belch and a burp, pray tell?