Ah well then, you're in the club!
Funny, up to a certain age in adulthood, a few years apart seems to make such a difference. Into your 40's up to your, well, until you maybe start falling apart physically of cognitively, is all one big family.
Not to get off subject, but more and more I find such comfort in conversations with other women over a certain age. Contrary to what some people in their teens and early 20's may think, we're not just sitting around bitching, but rather there's some really important knowledge being shared.
It's a cerebral attraction to your own gender. Seriously, no offense meant by this to any man, but when a bunch of women in their 40's 50's 60's get together, we don't need men to tell us how we feel about stuff, or validate how we do feel. We just let it all hang out, to use an outdated term.
That's not being anti-male, it's knowing your own worth, and being totally comfortable with it, along with being comfortable with how we're changing physically. It's the sisterhood.
It's tough being young and having to maintain some imposed standard, for both men and women.
When I see younger attractive gay men, I realize how hard it is to maintain that level of fitness, and that the competition is tough. Of course you want to look good at all ages, but it's nice to relax the reins a little.
That goes for male, female, gay or straight.
I'm just musing, don't mind me.