Fri 19 Mar, 2004 11:52 pm
What's up with that, anyway?
they got the right idea Setanta...if it feels good do it...
Multiplication is disgusting!
better than long division...or square roots..yuck
There seems to be a hidden proliferation treaty...
Damn stereotypes!!!! Let my people go!
That is SOME Bunny, Caprice....
I've noticed that about coathangers.
Put two together in a closet alone, come back in a week and there are six.
Go look in a month and there are thirty.
How does this happen?
Even when the closet is completely full --*ahem*-- the coathangers continue to procreate, squeezing the rack until nothing can be removed from the line without having to be ironed again.
I think coathangers need a course in family planning.
oooooooooooh wheeeeeeeeeeeee
i always thought SealPoet was kinda handsome with his hat on, but now that he's taken his hat off ...
Everybunny loves somebunny sometime...
My head is just spinning at the sight of all this handsome furriness ...
PDiddie wrote: I think coathangers need a course in family planning.
I tried but it doesn't work. Even the plastic coated hangers multiply! Maybe there's a leak...
Seal - WHERE did you find a seal with Bunny ears!!!!!?????
George - at last the damn Energized Bunny is here.
Yoy are all weird - but it does look hilarious!
Mad - the lot of ya!
but doesn't Seal look cool!
Can you say "awwwww!!!" ?