@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:There are some things we know. We know the basic physical laws of the universe. Gravity exists. Now you could argue that if and when the Universe ends the truth of the existence of gravity will change, but to what purpose?
Sorry Finn I don't see how any truth regarding the existence of gravity can change, even after the Universe and gravity with it comes to an halt...perhaps you want to clarify what you meant, its late here in Portugal and I am all to tired to get your point...We certainly seam to agree that there is a difference between beliefs or claims upon what is true, and what is factually true, meaning, that our knowledge or lack of it, is not fundamental to truth (excuse the tautology) being true...there is certainly lots of things that are true and that I know nothing of, however my not knowing of them doesn't make them any less true...moreover, the eternal and immutable character of truth by definition, axiomatically, is justified as truth intends to refer to, not just what is the case right now, but whatever was once the case, and whatever will be the case, again, let me emphasize once more (not because of you but there are certainly some people which get confused in this last bit),
independently of me knowing anything on future events. If gravity once for a period of time operated as it did, it will be forever and ever true, that gravity operated in those terms...
...an interesting informative final conclusion regarding this sequence of sound reasoning arguments is to come to understand that "beingness" hopefully a better coinage term then "existence", whatever its nature, it is not deletable...