Thu 18 Mar, 2004 05:25 pm
If all the ice on earth melted, what would it reveal?
A lot less land mass above waterline
hmmm.....lots of water
maybe stuff that was frozen in it like animals and the remains of ancient people/things
...but if it did, then there would be terrible flooding and many artic-based animals would be left homeless (this is what global warming is already doing)
actually, in some areas .ike where the ice caps overlie rockmass, the land will actually rebound and lift , like New England. Its still rising from the Wisconsin Glacier. Now the reason is still under debate. Is it cause the gravity of the coupled ice/earth is decreased? or is it merely the unweighting and decompression of the land mass by a thick ice cap. Greenland and areas around it would keep up with theincreased rise in the oceans. Some models predict that England, Scandanavia, Russia . kamchatka, Alaska, N canada would rise Also Antarctica and NZ and Oz. Bad news for new York, Miami Charleston , Biloxi, Nawlins san Diego ,Rio, Cancun, Arabian peninsula would once again be a reef, Indias coastal regions and all of
karala, IndoChina area Most of polynesia and the Pacific islands . . the tides and atmosphere in the mid latitudes would be really chaotic due to all that water sloshing around. water rise would vary due to the increased water mass and tidal changes. Ive seen predictions that it would average another 100+ feet or so. Were already sitting on a drowned coastal plain that is a 300+ ft rise from the last big Ice Age
I think climate would be the big variable, because with all the meltwater flowing deep and south, most of the nort warming streams would stop or slow and that would cause a return of an ice age and then the ice caps would return with a vengeance.
We cant enjoy cycles more significant than seasons, due to our life spans , but if wed live for 10k years or more, wed see big climate swings.
There was an article in NAture in 199 about the models being used to predict your very question, and, like most computer models, reality varies greatly cause nobodys been able to verify them. Thats why reasonable and equally convinced scientists have chosen sides about global warming
Hey, Ir - Welcome to A2K from one Edmontonion to another, except my cities in Canada.
I don't think anything would be revealed, anything captured in the ice would be engulfed and aborbed by the massive oceans.