Wed 17 Mar, 2004 05:08 pm
Those wacky Netherlands....
lol...that is the greatest thing! Now what could they do to spice up the ladies room...?
Frankly speaking - I find it to be in pretty poor taste
Extremely - I think - very tacky and gross indeed...
I too find it tasteless, tacky, sophomoric and downright insulting. I can't believe someone had the nerve to make it and then someone had the nerve to install it. Well, piss on it I say!!
I like this comment:
""It's all meant in good fun, so they should not have any problems with their own face being on these urinals. I think that's what they should do," he said."
Woulda been interesting if NOW had installed man-mouth shaped toilets in their national headquarters - if they have one - to see THAT reaction.