Sun 15 Dec, 2002 12:07 am
Christmas Reindeer Loses, Uh, Its Ornaments
Fri Dec 13,11:02 AM ET
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (Reuters) - A star reindeer in a South African shopping mall's Christmas display lost a little of its seasonal pride and joy after complaints from shoppers.
Managers at one of Cape Town's upscale malls, "castrated" the plastic animal after receiving complaints about shiny golden Christmas tree ornaments hanging between its hind legs, officials said Thursday.
Hein Conradie, a spokesman for the company which made the display, told the Cape Argus newspaper that the ornaments were "anatomically correct for an animal of that size" and were prominent because of the reindeer's central position in the display.
"Generally, we find it wiser to use sexless reindeer," Conradie said
Dlowan? maybe Craven....wasn't me, I was here and I have witnesses to prove it, so there.
Good one Phoenix!!!
This isn't politics right?