Depends on the 'department', in my experience. Not that that is anything but anecdotal. In a med research and clinic environment, back in the day, none of the senior faculty, post docs, blah blah, were exceptionally out there, um, visually. In my art and design acad years, some were tres cool and some scruffbottoms, but none of them hobo-ey, and my local to that school town had/has still even though I'm not there, a large vagrant population, being liberal and by the sand and sea, to cite as a comparison. Still, I only got six!
I trust academe varies, re "what's going on" in cultural mores, the location of the school, the amount of public dealings the prof has, and weirder stuff, like who the new prof admired or despised along the way, sort of similar to parental modeling or parental rejection. Then there may be a nagging wife or husband who wants spouse to get ahead, so that we have a shaver or preppy dresser who on his or her own would forego some 'presentable' traits.
On the quiz, I went astray thinking a guy that looked quite bright (and what is that look, exactly?) also looked a tad mad (the eyes).