@Brother James,
Quote:Well reasoned, sir.
Well thank you again Jim, what a fine fellow you are, so rare hereabout
Quote:And you help me clarify what it is I am asking?
If that's a q I can only reply."I hope so"
Quote:Indeed, as you surmise, I do not believe good is an Absolute, and yet, its source is the MIND,
I don't remember speculating specifically upon that surmise but yes, one might agree something labeled "Absolute" lying outside the principally mental realm
Quote:and the MIND is as absolute as anything gets within the Creation.
Forgive me Jim, but it was "good," not MIND situated therein, and unless it's HER mind I do 't see how it can be so labeled
Quote:If, as I believe, NSgy is the Energy of Spirituality,
I recall correctly, yes that's the way you defined it for purposes of argument
You have to forgive me Jim but this conclusion , at least to me, doesn't seem to follow from the foregoing assumption
All right then, what you're asserting is that you define Her as The Energy of Spirituality--although the Average Clod (me) can't see how this assumption leads to Her not being good
In this connection the existential pantheist would concede Her to possess good just as She encompasses bad. But a2k possesses only three of us and so you'll have to convince the remaining 99,997 participants
Quote:and thus, good is not absolute but relative to evil.
Well yes Jim but still you have to contend with the Typical Blockhead (me) who might respond, "If good were absolute it wouldn't be relative to evil," but I for one don't see how that follows either
I guess what I'm saying, you might reconstruct your argument in more commonplace language, it might be easier to address
Quote:I also make a rather sharp distinction between religion and Spirituality. Religion is of Man, and thus relative at best. Spirituality, on the other hand, is an Absolute, permanent,
Religion, then, is subsidiary. So far, you seem to be asserting that in spite of its common def, as arising from the human mind, spirituality is a kind of abstraction though nonetheless real
Quote:and "the" primal Energy, which we call God.
As a congenital pantheist I'd agree that Energy qualifies under Her Absolute Dominion as does everything else, all its activity therein constituting Her thinking
…though I predict some static from many others herewith attendant
A real Pleasure Jim