For the benefit of anybody who may still be unaware of this one...
There are a couple of dozen competing conspiracy theories as to what happened to JFK and until recently I'd assumed they were all more or less equally plausible; that no longer appear to be the case, this one is a whole lot more plausible than any of the others. That fingerprint of Mac Wallaces at the shooting scene IS a match:
and the story about the 5-year suspended sentence for killing the golf course owner does check out:
There is no way any of us could just kill somebody with a pistol, turn himself/herself in, and walk off with a suspended sentence a couple of weeks later. That was an experiment: LBJ and Ed Clark had created the machinery to treat the law as if it were a joke both at state and national levels, and were testing it out, worst possible case somebody they didn't really care that much about went to prison or was executed. As things turned out, the whole system worked, and was in place in 63 when they needed to get rid of John Kennedy.
This book also indicates that a large number of the demoKKKrats whose names were familiar in the 1950s including Truman, Abe Fortas, Hugo Black, Earl Warren, and everybody involved in that "Warren Commission(TM)" were heavily complicit in LBJ's bullshit.
McClellan of course is not just some swinging dick with another theory, he was a member of the A Team.