I’m saying that if we are satisfied (mentally) then we experience the feelings of peace, happiness and contentment. This can be after relaxing or after strenuous activity. As satisfaction makes us happy then dissatisfaction makes us feel unhappy. We continually go from brief satisfaction to longer and more frequent periods of dissatisfaction many, many times a day.
Here’s an example, let take PQ’s problem:
The Pentacle Queen wrote:
Well the reason I normally feel lousy in the morning is that I lack the capacity to go to bed before two in the morning even if I have to be up at eight. So is my own fault really.
Basically, PQ is dissatisfied with her day ending at the time which would give her the required number of hours sleep. Her solution is to extend the day by several hours, probably in retrospect not gaining any worthwhile satisfaction from it, certainly not at every attempt. She then wakes up and experiences the feeling of dissatisfaction resulting from too little sleep. She is in a catch-22 she wishes to extend her day but the lack of sleep that results is unpleasant. If she goes to bed at the correct time she is dissatisfied with the length of her day. What can she do?
She should decide to gain happiness from being satisfied with a normal length of day and the correct amount of sleep. Happiness will arise from learning how to be satisfied with the day when it is ended at the correct time and happiness will be gained from the feeling one gets from a ‘good night’s sleep’ which is gained by having enough hours sleep.
How can the day being a normal length bring satisfaction? From the satisfaction of preparing to help others if one cannot directly or indirectly help them; or by helping them because they have asked or their request for help is implied by their circumstances. We only need a normal length day for this and we help others indirectly by keeping healthy e.g. by having enough sleep etc..
How can we be dissatisfied with a life lived in this way? Then of course the satisfaction derived from the lack of dissatisfaction, brings a peaceful happy contentment.