It depends, answers will vary. However, there are those who see the state of to 'be' as important. Primarily because they deal in states of being and are sensitive to how to 'be' and what they are comfortable to 'be'. Some go through their lives in general lack of concern with the whole idea and are simply 'doing'.
It is nice to sit with you or it is nice to 'be' sat with you. Ultimately both use both terms commonly, slight difference. To to sit with someone is to simply sit with them, but to focus on sitting, implies that is a nice part too.
Perhaps check the spelling of the words in your title, you can drop them in the main section and see with the red line, but I do not personally worry if you do not and will not point this out again, because I really am irritated by people bothering others about it constantly. (if the red line is not showing, mouse click around a bit on words and it sometimes pops up, but you will then get American suggestions often)